Saturday, February 7, 2009

January 17 - Check up

January 17, 2009, Saturday. It is my check with my OB. My husband has a schedule work for that day so he just drop me at Wellcare Clinic. My OB arrives at 10am but to get a good number I was there already at around 8:30am.

When it is my turn, my OB checked my weight and she was surprised that I only gained 1 pound for that whole month, given that it is a holiday season. I still don't have the appetite to eat more but I have lots of fruits on my diet. The vomiting just stopped a week ago so maybe I would have the appetite soon. She prescribed me with a new vitamin for the blood and told me to take my multivitamins twice a day.

She checked on the baby's heartbeat, and she told me that the baby's heartbeat is good. After that she told me to see her on February 14 for my next check up.

I went to the supermarket to buy vegetables and fruits and then I head my way home.

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