Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Summer 2007 at Island Cove

Jelmar loves going to car show, so when he got the news that there will be one to be held at Island Cove Cavite, he told me about it (not as if he was asking a permission to go, but with a final decision that we will all go to the affair). Well, I’m not sure if my son will appreciate the car show, but Island Cove being a leisure park will not be a boring to all ages. We also bring swimming attire in case Adrian would ask to go for a swim.

First Day of School Photos

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Adrian's visit to his Pedia

August 25, Adrian has a scheduled visit to her pediatrician. His polio and DTP vaccines (booster) were due to be given on this day. His last vaccine was a year, so we have to talk to him about it. The day before, his father said to him that he will be getting vaccination for his own good. He said, “Kuya punta tayo kay doktora tomorrow, may vaccine ka, pero ‘wag kang iiyak, parang kagat lang ng langgam”. Well, my son just answered, “Opo, Daddy”.

Before we go to the clinic, we attended the Sunday mass, inside the subdivision. My husband’s sister is a member of the choir there. When we arrived to the clinic, Adrian is patient number 12. She has been Adrian’s pediatrician since three months old, she advised us that we can text or call her to confirm our visit so she can reserved a number for Adrian. But instead we choose not too, because we think it is not good for those who come early to get a good number.

Since the clinic is located to a small department store/supermarket, we usually do the groceries first, as we wait for his number.

When we get back, the number is 11, so we sit on the bench beside the door, as the patient no. 11 goes out, Adrian immediately enters the room and said “Good afternoon Dra.”. He seated himself to a small bed, by climbing to a chair beside it. He pulled the sleeve of his shirt and said’ “ Dra. dito po, no sakit ha.”

Before having the vaccine, Dra weighted him and he gained two kilograms, as the record shows during our last month’s visit.

During the actual vaccination, my husband put Adrian on his lap and holding him, so that he will not be afraid. Adrian is looking on the injection, so Dra Wendy said, “Adrian, look at mommy”. When the needle has penetrated to his arm, he shouted “Aray”. After that he has teary eyes but as promised to his daddy he did not cry.

Friday, August 24, 2007

BIDA of the Year

August 23, 2007, we attended a company festival which recognizes people and group of people who have contributed projects and ideas for the company. Ate Maricel is also there as a member of a team.

My husband is nominated on the top ten bright ideas for the year. The program is open to all rank and file employees. The top ten winners were called to come up the stage and then the host revealed one by one from the 10th place up to the 4the place. I was nervous then because my husband is still in the remaining 3. I had my camera ready to take the picture, I heard a name called for the third place and it isn’t yet my husband’s. My hand is shaking but still holding the camera focused at the center of the stage. The name of the second place winner was announced, it is not my husband’s, so the 1st place winner is him. I was so happy and excited that I forgot to capture the actual awarding. When the awarding was done, my husband asks if I had gotten a picture, I said no, I was too excited let’s just get a copy from HR. At least I have taken a picture of him with the rest of the nine other awardees.

Our parents

Our parents Ismael and Marilyn having eight children definitely had a hard time finding enough money to support our studies and necessities. As we grow we witnessed their hardships and trials of having a big family. I can still remember a time when we do not have enough food and money, this teaches how to share to each other and use the money wisely. We used to walk when going to school and usually eat heavy breakfast so that we will not feel hungry on recess time.

But our parents did not given up on us. Others will let their children stop going to school or even worst to ask them to work to help the family. They wanted us to finish school up to college degree. They say that this is the only thing that they can give to us. They maybe not the best parents, but we are happy with the way they raised us. They instill to us the value of education and we are proud of them.

To Mama and Papa; thanks for everything and we all love you.


She is the fifth child, also known as Lala. He is married to Ronnie and has 2 children namely; Ellah Mae the eldest and Jeremy the youngest. She is a full time mother and housewife. During her spare time, when Ellah Mae and Jeremey already at school, she helps our mother and father in their small eatery.


She is the second child and still single. Mona-Liza also known to others as Liezel, Mona, but we are comfortable to call her Ate Litel. She graduated Midwifery with honors at the Fabella Memorial College and if I am not mistaken she also took a bachelor degree on Public Health at University of Manila formerly Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM). She is now working at KSA for 10 months now.


Ismael Jr a.k.a JR is the 6th child and only son. Being the only son obviously my father wants to name our brother after him. He is currently a 5th year Electronics and Communications Engineering Student at Technological Institute of the Philippines (Manila) or TIP. He also took his Technology course at Technological University of the Philippnes (Manila) or TUP, but after completing his 3-year course he decided to continue to earn a bachelor degree at TIP.


Maritess or Matet for short is our youngest sister. Her nickname was derived from a child actress who is popular at time of her birth. She is currently a 4th year Electronics and Communication Engineering student at Technoligical University of the Philippines (Manila).

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Wedding Photographer

Sharon and Alfred are very dear to me, that is why when they ask if I can be their wedding photographer, I cannot say no to them. I am nervous not only because I am just starting to learn photography (from Johnel, actually my supervisor/friend), but also about the camera I had that time. I will be using a digital camera (Canon S2IS), which is far compared to quality of digital SLR or even the conventional SLR. To cut the story short I think, as a beginner I did a great job. They were very happy with the pictures and layout that I did for them.

Adrian's Baby Photos

EME (Bitukang Manok)

December 2006, it was our third time to visit Lopez Quezon to spend Christmas Holiday. It was also our first time to take the old road a.k.a EME or bitukang manok back to Cavite. The road is now considered a national park and is closed to heavy vehicles. Only light and private vehicles are allowed to use this road. At first I was hesitant when Jelmar told me that we are going to try the old road. There are baranggay officials who are manually controlling the traffic. In this curve, a one way traffic is being observed. I felt my heart stopped pumping, but instead I got my camera and took pictures.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Second to the youngest, she is also known as ninang adis to my son. Just graduated Business Administration at UE Caloocan last March. I took this photo of her summer of 2007 when she took care of Adrian for a week. Every summer, JR, Matet, and Adis always spent a week or two for Adrian.

Deasis Family

She is Ate Maricel a.k.a Leng-Leng. She is the third child. She is married to Kuya Jimmy and has two sons namely: Jerome Christian (eldest) and Charlie (youngest). The photo was taken last June 2007 during a family day conducted by the employer of Kuya Jimmy in Subic. I have found no pictures of them four altogether, with the help of photo editing software and skills learned from a friend (johnel thanks for teaching me the tricks), I just merged two pictures into one.

Cruz Family

This is my ate Maricris. She is the eldest of eight siblings. She is married to Kuya Rod and has one daughter named Kyla Clair. Photo was taken last November 2007 at Manila Bay.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

My Husband

My husband is from Lopez, Quezon. He is not only my husband but my best friend as well. We shared almost a lot of common hobbies and interests like; watching basketball games and movies, eating pasta and pizza, playing bowling and billiards, and were starting a new hobby which is photography. I mentioned almost, what we do not have in common is he loves playing computer games and xbox, (I admit I tried these games, but it does not really my interest ever since), while I love cooking and he can not cook.

Friday, August 17, 2007

My Son

From the moment I learned that I was pregnant, I started asking myself if I will be a good mother or will I be able give my child a good future. But when I first settled my eyes to my son, my heart was filled with a thousand hopes and dreams for this little one. He brings a new twist to all of the dreams I had before for my self, this only proves a love of a mother to her child.