Friday, August 24, 2007

Our parents

Our parents Ismael and Marilyn having eight children definitely had a hard time finding enough money to support our studies and necessities. As we grow we witnessed their hardships and trials of having a big family. I can still remember a time when we do not have enough food and money, this teaches how to share to each other and use the money wisely. We used to walk when going to school and usually eat heavy breakfast so that we will not feel hungry on recess time.

But our parents did not given up on us. Others will let their children stop going to school or even worst to ask them to work to help the family. They wanted us to finish school up to college degree. They say that this is the only thing that they can give to us. They maybe not the best parents, but we are happy with the way they raised us. They instill to us the value of education and we are proud of them.

To Mama and Papa; thanks for everything and we all love you.

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