Friday, January 4, 2008

December 26 - Back to Work

December 26, Wednesday, start up day for our company. Adrian woke up early that morning. On his way down the stairs, he saw me preparing to go to work. He ask me, “ Mommy sa work ka?”, I answered, Yes and kissed him in his forehead. He then told me, “Ingat ka sa work ha”.

It is only 7:00 am when we got to our company. There is still few motorists in the road, that is why we came early. First thing I did was to clean my inbox. Being away from work for four days, my inbox is already full of messages (work related and some greetings from my friends). I carefully check the mail one by one, making sure that I will not overlook some mail which contains important issues.

Our boss, instructed us to provide assistance in the production, especially those set-ups with problems during the shutdown.

At lunch time there were some that brought left over to share with during the lunch. We usually consume only 30 minutes of the one hour lunch break, so that there will be enough time to go to the garden for our coffee break.

It was a busy day for all of us.

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