Sunday, September 2, 2007

A Busy Saturday

September 1, Claire set her cellphone to alarm at four am. We have to woke up early because we will attend a birthday party at Jolibee DasmariƱas. The party will start at 8am, the parents decided to go for it because that is the only remaining time slot. The birthday celebrant is my godson MJ (lives at the house next to us). Although alarm was set at four am, we woke up late that morning. Jelmar is on night shift duty, so it is my turn to feed his dog. I was feeding Tornado when Ileen (mother of MJ) arrived and ask if we are ready to go (the plan is that they will give us a ride). I ask for apology, because we are not ready that time (Adrian is not taken a bath, and so do I). I told her that we will just commute to the place (it is only a one jeepney ride).

When we arrived there, Adrian is very happy seeing his friends. There were games for the kids and for the parents too. Adrian felt sad when he heard the host that their next game will be a game for father and son, he was eager to join. He asks, “Mommy, where is Daddy”. I answered, “He’s at work, but he will be here soon”.

Before the party ended Jelmar arrived, Adrian is happy to see his Daddy, even though the games were over. Right after the party, we headed for Vel Maris School, this is the day of distributions of class cards. Before the card is given, we had a short talk with Teacher Richelle, regarding the performance of Adrian.

It’s almost 12:00 noon, so we decided to go to the nearby mall to have our lunch. Jelmar also bought a new speaker for the computer and we decided to go home.

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