Thursday, October 25, 2007

My First Time Using IM

October 25, Thursday – I was trying to connect with our internal messenger (it is same as yahoo messenger). It was Ate Leng-leng who asked me to sign in, it was there for about a year, but I will be using IM for the first time. After trying my best and failed to connect, I ask assistance from my co-employee, well they can’t believe that it is my first time to use that communicator. When I successfully signed-in, I saw Ate Leng-leng is already on-line. I ask her about her birthday yesterday, she said that she only brought spaghetti for her co-employees. When we were younger, I can still remember that we do not actually celebrate a birthday alone, in case that there were birthdays that will fall in the same month, it will be celebrated only once. Ate Leng-leng’s birthday is October 24, while Lala’s is October 19, and Papa’s is on October 27. We usually have it celebrated once to save money.

Ate Leng-leng is the one in-charge with Papa’s 60th birthday. Our topic then is, where, when and who are coming. I had a meeting to attend at 830am and we did not yet come up with the final decision on the place. We agreed that she will go to Mama’s house after her work (which is until 2pm only) and she will advise me with the final decision tomorrow.

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