Monday, October 8, 2007

On the way to Quezon (October 5, 2007)

Hearing the alarm at around 4am, we woke up and started to get ready for the trip to Quezon. We double check the bags that we had prepared last night if we do not have anymore things left unpacked. Adrian who is still feeling sleepy asked for some toys to be brought. He is looking for his yoyo, but we cannot find where he last put it. He also bargains about bringing the ball but his father would not agree. At the end his Daddy asked him to just bring the helicopter/robot and we will buy yoyo at Quezon.

At around 4:30am I already finished cooking the breakfast. It was just an easy meal, scrambled eggs, hotdogs, and the left over adobo last night.

At 5am, we are all set. Jelmar started the car, but before he stepped on the accelerator, we asked Adrian to lead the prayer.

We have our first stop on Petron station at DasmariƱas town proper to fill-up the gas tank of the car.

At 6am, we already at the south super highway, we are surprised to see that there is already a slow traffic. As we go along, we saw that the cause of the slow traffic is the rehabilitation of the one of the 3 lanes.

We encountered another slow down as we enter Sto Tomas Batangas. Vehicles were only using one lane, because the other lane has many pot holes.

Again, we chose to use the Eme road to cut the travel time.

Our next stop is at Gumaca, we usually stopped there because of the nice view of the bay. Jelmar had to wake up Adrian to see the beautiful of view. We took some pictures and off we go to Petron Gumaca for refill of the gas tank and to use the comfort room.

Exactly 10am, when we arrived at Magsaysay, Lopez. We stopped over at Nanay Edeng’s house (Jelmar’s Grandmother). Luckily there is also Tita Lotlot who is a teacher, she said that they had no classes that day because of the meeting early this morning. We had some chat and snacks. They insist that we eat our lunch there, but we told them that the father of Jelmar already cooked and is expecting us for the lunch.

Around 12nn, we arrived at Sambat, Lopez. Jelmar’s father, a public school teacher has filed a vacation leave for that day while his mother, also teaching in the same school ask her principal to allow her to leave the school early. Inihaw na tilapia and amplaya were served for the lunch.

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