Tuesday, February 19, 2008

At Last!

We had submitted our thesis last February 12 for the inital review of our advisers and then returned to them last February 15 for the final review; and today we went to TUP Manila to submit the 6 copies of the final and approved thesis. At last we made it! After weeks of sleepless nights; last week we stay late until 12 midnight and last saturday I stayed upto 2:00am. Upon submitting the papers, the cahirman of the board told us that our defense will be this coming February 26. We have to prepare a powerpoint presentation of our project. My time will be at 8:00am, while my husband will present right after me at around 10:00am.

After TUP, we decided to go to MOA. I had to buy a new pair of shoes for the coming technical symposium (this friday). We also promised a basket ball ring for Adrian. He used to have one, but it broke when he tried to do a slum dunk on it. Last weekend he ask me to hang his halloween basket, I only realized that he will make it a basket ball ring when he get his basketball and tried to shoot on it. We also bought tokens that will be given to our panel and advisers on the date of the defense. We choosed thermal mug because professors love to drink coffe and they will sure like it; among the choices were planners, parker ballpen, and paper weights.

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