Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Adis is looking for a House in Cavite

February 23, Saturday, I received a call from Adis that she wants to look for a house. She is actually on the way to Cavite; she is asking if we can accompany her. She already had a contact agent. After following the instructions that the agent gave to Adis; we finally found the location of the house. At first I did not want the location. It is very far and only few houses are already occupied. I told Adis that Ate Maricris have a friend who is an agent. Along the way to Ate – we passed some subdivisions, and we tried to look at it. Some of them were good; but we do not have an agent to give us the details and sample computation of the house. When we arrived at Ate’s house; she called her friend; but she was not available at that moment. We still decided to go instead (there is nobody to look after Kyla, so she went with us); just to look for the location and the model house. Kyla thought that Adrian is waiting in the car. We followed the signs to the location of the house this time, but when we feel that the house is getting far, we decide to pull over. Being tired and exhausted; we decided to drive through Jollibee and order some snacks.

Ate will just ask her agent for the computations of the house models that we saw.

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