Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Aug 24, Sunday, we spent the day in my parents' house in Imus

August 17, Sunday, we woke up late that morning, because we stay awake until 11pm on Saturday night due to a movie shown in HBO. Although we have watched it twice, we still can resist "Fun with Dick and Jane". We still laugh on it as if we are watching it for the first time. We were asking Adrian about what will happen next, and he can say exactly what is going to happen.

It is already 6 am in the morning, we all had a quick shower and rushed to my parents' house. We arrived there at past 7am. Ate Maricel and Charlie were also there. The breakfast that my mother prepared for us were fried tamban, fried egg and hotdog. After the breakfast my husband left for his work.

Matet cooked tinolang manok and pork sinigang for lunch.

For snack, Matet cooked hot cake. I watched her prepared the ingredients because I usually buy the ready hot cake mix; it makes my life a lot easier.

In the afternoon, I took some photos of some grass what we called damong ligaw in the nearby vacant lot.

For the dinner I cooked amplaya con carne, while my mother fried some fish.

At 9pm, I went upstairs to have a rest, and fell asleep. Claire woke me up when my husband arrived. I prepared his meal. After eating dinner, we went home.

We dropped off Ate Maricel and Charlie in their house before heading our way home.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Aug 17 - Sunday at my Parents' House

Aug 17 - Sunday, as usual we spent our day with my parents house at Imus. We arrived at around 7am. My mother is still in the market but there is a ready breakfast for us; fried egg, meat loaf and pork adobo. My husband left and head his way to work at quarter to eight. My mother arrived at past eight, she told us that she met a neighbor in the market and she had a little chat with her.

My mother this time cooked tinolang manok and paksiw na tamban for lunch.

Past 3pm Matet was about to pick JC who is in dasmarinas with ate maricel, when adrian heard about it. He insisted that he will go with her tita matet. My mother at first disagree with him, but at the end we allow him to go.

The whole afternon then was raining hard, I was not able to practice taking pictures that much; but when the rain stopped, I took some photos of the orchids with rain water still on it.
I cooked ginataang kalabasa with malunggay for the dinner while my mother cooked pork steak.

Matet, together with JC and Adrian arrived at past 7pm.

My husband pick us up at around 10pm.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Aug 10 - My parents' small garden

Aug 10, Sunday, as usual we spent our Sunday at Imus. We left our house early so that my husband will not be late for his work. After having breakfast, he left to got to his work. I brought the camera that day to do practice. I was surprised to saw that my parents already have a small garden on the small space in front of their house. They told me that they bought the orchids and the other ornamental plants from garden store nearby. I can still remember back in Malabon, we used to have ornamental plants. My father and mother were lucky to have that green thumb for growing plants; while for myself I was not blessed on that part. Everything I tried to grow, even a simple plant ends up dead after few weeks. I took some photos of those flowers and plants using the macro option of the camera.

Here are some of the shots, my husband was proud to see that my skill in taking pictures is improving.

I cooked tinolang manok for lunch and ginataang mais for snack. While for the dinner, Adis bought grilled chicken and liempo.

My husband pick us up at around 10pm.

I'm on Sick Leave - Aug 5-7

I am not feeling well last Monday night, due to cough and colds. It's been raining for a week now, and almost every one in our group has cough and colds, actually Alain, a friend and co-employee was back from a three day sick leave due to the same reason. Tuesday morning, I know I was able to come to work, despite of not feeling well. My husband is on night shift, so I went directly to his work station and ask him to have a breakfast at the cafeteria. After having breakfast, I check my e-mails and answer those mails that requires urgent action. My husband seeing me with this condition, he told me that I better go the clinic and had a check-up with our company physician. At first I called my boss and informed him that I will go to the clinic to have a check-up, my boss' said that if the doctor will advise me to go home then, it is fine with him. Upon seeing the doctor he gave me a medication for a week and told me to take a rest for two days. We will meet each other on the third day, hopefully he can clear me give so that I can report to work on that day.

We went to the pharmacy to buy the medicines, I also remembered that Adrian's vitamins is almost empty so we also bought his vitamins. My husband had to go to Ate Cris, because her computer is having a problem, I told him that instead of going home alone I still accompany him to Ate's house. When we arrive there, we shouted "Pabili", because Ate has a small store; we are expecting Ate to answer but her daughter Kyla answered "Ano Yon". Ate is not around, only her daughter Kyla and our niece Charlie were there. Kyla told me that her mother left them for a while. I told Kyla not to let anybody in, when her mother is out. After a while Ate arrives, it is almost lunch time so we ate our lunch there. After eating, Ate describes the problem of her computer to Jelmar, while Ate asked me if I can bring Kyla to school, which is only a block from their house. Upon repairing the computer problem which is after 30 minutes, Ate told us to stay in the house because she will bring Charlie to school. When Ate arrived, we told her that we should go now, but she told if Jelmar still can look on her DVD player, which has problem with its video out. When it was turned on and a DVD was loaded, the picture colors were only shades of green. Ate told us that it was not like that before, until she has to move the TV rack to the other side of the house, and she has to remove all of the cables connections from the TV going to the DVD player. Jelmar asked for the manual of the DVD and TV, after changing some of the connections, the color is now normal.

When we arrived at our house, my son was surprised to see me back from work early.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Aug 3 - Sunday at Imus

August 3, Sunday, we went to Imus to give them our pasalubong from Singapore. We arrived at around past 6 am. My parents were surprised to see us come that early. It is because my husband has a work schedule on that day. After having a quick breakfast, my husband head his way to his work.

After taking some rest, I show them the pictures from the trip. My parents were both amazed of the cleanliness and orderliness of the city.

I cooked pork sinigang for lunch and we cooked ginataang kamoteng kahoy for snack. For dinner, we had fried tilapia and the left over sinigang.

My husband arrived around 10pm to pick us up. My husband had his midnight snack, because he already had his dinner at work.

Singapore Day 5 Photos

Singapore Day 4 Photos

Singapore Day 3 Photos

Singapore Day 2 Photos