Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Aug 24, Sunday, we spent the day in my parents' house in Imus

August 17, Sunday, we woke up late that morning, because we stay awake until 11pm on Saturday night due to a movie shown in HBO. Although we have watched it twice, we still can resist "Fun with Dick and Jane". We still laugh on it as if we are watching it for the first time. We were asking Adrian about what will happen next, and he can say exactly what is going to happen.

It is already 6 am in the morning, we all had a quick shower and rushed to my parents' house. We arrived there at past 7am. Ate Maricel and Charlie were also there. The breakfast that my mother prepared for us were fried tamban, fried egg and hotdog. After the breakfast my husband left for his work.

Matet cooked tinolang manok and pork sinigang for lunch.

For snack, Matet cooked hot cake. I watched her prepared the ingredients because I usually buy the ready hot cake mix; it makes my life a lot easier.

In the afternoon, I took some photos of some grass what we called damong ligaw in the nearby vacant lot.

For the dinner I cooked amplaya con carne, while my mother fried some fish.

At 9pm, I went upstairs to have a rest, and fell asleep. Claire woke me up when my husband arrived. I prepared his meal. After eating dinner, we went home.

We dropped off Ate Maricel and Charlie in their house before heading our way home.

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