Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Aug 10 - My parents' small garden

Aug 10, Sunday, as usual we spent our Sunday at Imus. We left our house early so that my husband will not be late for his work. After having breakfast, he left to got to his work. I brought the camera that day to do practice. I was surprised to saw that my parents already have a small garden on the small space in front of their house. They told me that they bought the orchids and the other ornamental plants from garden store nearby. I can still remember back in Malabon, we used to have ornamental plants. My father and mother were lucky to have that green thumb for growing plants; while for myself I was not blessed on that part. Everything I tried to grow, even a simple plant ends up dead after few weeks. I took some photos of those flowers and plants using the macro option of the camera.

Here are some of the shots, my husband was proud to see that my skill in taking pictures is improving.

I cooked tinolang manok for lunch and ginataang mais for snack. While for the dinner, Adis bought grilled chicken and liempo.

My husband pick us up at around 10pm.

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