Tuesday, October 23, 2007

October 22, 2007 - Puzzle in the Making

October 22, Monday – When I got home from work around 6pm, Claire is already cooking the meal for the dinner – fried chicken as requested by Adrian. I decided to go upstairs to continue the puzzle which we have started to assemble yesterday afternoon. Adrian also joined me in the room while waiting for the chicken to be cooked. Claire is also helping this time on the puzzle. After eating our dinner, we decided to continue doing the puzzle while waiting for my husband to arrive. At around 10pm, the three of us were busy doing the puzzle that we have not heard the arrival of my husband. He told us to stop and go to bed and continue it tomorrow.

1 comment:

Kaye said...

This is good for family time...you gave me an idea. What do you do next after finishing the puzzle, do you frame it? Thanks for the idea...we need to have something interesting to do since we hardly have family time other than worship time...how's everyone?