Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Adrian's Birthday

July 21, Monday, we went to SM mall of Asia to celebrate Adrian's birthday. We had lunch at Yellow Cab, Adrian requested for fries, so we bought two large fries from McDonald and brought it in. After having lunch, we stroll and enjoy window shopping. Adrian saw a huge inflatable play ground and requested if he can play. His father allowed him. Adrian enjoyed jumping and bouncing; while his father tried his best to capture the moments in photos. We also passed by the ice skating rink, all of us had never experienced it before. Adrian is imitating the moves of the kids their, so I asked him if he wanted to try, he said yes. But we did not went skating immediately because Adrian wanted to buy a toy that he saw in TV as a gift. We went to toy kingdom and their we found the toy that he wanted. After paying to the cashier, we had the toy assembled there and the cashier gave us a free one hour pass the ice skating rink. We then go the the skating rink and my husband is hesitant to go because it is cold out there and Adrian was only wearing shorts and t-shirt. But my son is really eager to try it so I decided to buy him long sleeve shirt. I also bought knee length socks for the them. I stayed outside to take pictures. At first they are having difficulties, but after a while, they already got into their feet. It is worth trying because my son enjoyed it and asked if we can go back again.

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