Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 25 - Singapore Day 2

July 25, Friday, in the morning we had a breakfast at the hotel, then went to a nearby mall. After having lunch at subway we then went to Botanic Garden. My husband and I enjoyed the view and we really appreciate the way it is maintained and taken care of. Singapore is a highly urbanized place, but they still manage to keep some place wherein trees and animals can still have their natural habitat. It takes almost four hours of walking to cover the whole area. There is occasional rain shower at that time so we had to stop and sit on a shade whenever the rain shower gets on our way. The view at the orchid garden worth every pain and sweat. We had our dinner at a Mongolian restaurant near the hotel. It is our first time to eat Mongolian restaurant, so we have to observed first. Then a waiter gave the menu, after scanning the pages, I did not see any food that I like. The I asked the waiter what is the line of people doing in one area of the restaurant. He said that it was their unlimited meal for 36 Singapore dollar, wherein you have to choose the ingredients for your meal. I told the waiter that we will go for that also, he provided us with a token corresponding with our table and seat number. I choose rice, kangkong and spinach, shrimp, squid, and fish, for the sauce, I asked help from the personnel at the counter, I told her that I don't like spicy. While my husband tried rice, beef, chicken, and lamb. They cooked it and served it hot. We had second batch of the food, I still tried the same ingredients, while my husband go for those seafoods. After eating we walk to the hotel, along our way are lots of bars and stalls. We actually passed by Hooters, my husband asked for a photo showing the hooters sign.

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