Monday, July 14, 2008

Sad news about Marcial

July 8, early morning before going to work, I usually check my e-mail at home, to look on last night performance of our sets of equipment in production. An e-mail with title sad news caught my attention, the sender is our classmate Roldan Hilario. When I read on the message, it is about our classmate Marcial Bantigue, he already passed away. I was taken back by this news, although I am not became that close to Marcial. He was my classmate on grade six elementary and from 2nd year to fourth year high school. We always belong in the same group because of our surnames, groupings then were arranged in alphabetical order. He is known for his talent in drawing, he won numerous poster making contest then. He is good inside and out; it was hard to believe that he is now gone. He was really a lost for his family and friends.

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