Monday, September 1, 2008

August 31, High School IV-I Class Get Together

August 31, Sunday, I heard the alarm rung that I set at 5am. I immediately jump up from bed and packed my things. I also had to wake up Claire, Adrian and my husband. After taking a bath and we are all set; we left the house at 5:45am. Before starting the car my husband; as usual asked if we did not forget anything.

At 6:00 am, my mother is still cooking when we arrived. After having a quick breakfast, we say goodbye to them. I am not going to work with my husband, I am going to Marilao Bulacan for our High School Class get together.

My husband dropped me off to the nearest bus stop. That time I had to travel alone to the venue. My cousin Maribel who is also living (actually her house is one subdivision away from my parents) in Imus is not going to make it due to some reasons. I took a bus going to Lawton. At Quirino, I decided to transfer to LRT to save some travel time, because it will bring me faster to the meeting place. As expected I arrived 10 minutes earlier at Araneta Square. My classmate Fidel provided a jeepney that will bring us all to Bulacan, the first pick up point is at Jolibee Malabon town proper. After waiting for some more time, I had to contact them to know their actual location. I waited for another 15 minutes before they arrive, but the wait worth it because inside the jeepney, I saw Rowena, Perci, Ronaldo, Leyden, Dona, Noemi, Marvin, Rodel, Ricardo, and Fidel. On the next stop, we waited for Sion and Reden.

At 10 am, we arrived to the place. It is a private swimming pool. The food came few minutes later. We decided to eat even though we wanted to wait for others who are still on their way; it is because most of us were already hungry.

After eating, some of the boys went for a dip in the swimming pool. After an hour the second batch came, they were Roldan with his wife Leslie (also our classmate), Mary Jane our class valedictorian, Marilyn, Leah, Al, and Ralph.

At 3pm, when the sun is covered by the thick clouds we decided to join in the pool. The boys play relay on the water, we girls were not able to join because we don't know how to swim. At 6pm we decided to get out of the pool. After eating and taking a quick shower, our class president open the floor for each one of us to give an update on ourselves. Marilyn has just got married, while for the boys, Al also got married few months ago. Some of us have new addition to their family; Rodel and his wife got another baby girl; while Leslie and Roldan also had a another baby boy. Some got promoted, while some are planning to take up masteral classes, others are reviewing for board exam. After the updates, we also had a small raffle. Then we packed our things and went our way to SM Marilao for a Pizza Treat from Percival.

Rico Jay together with Marvin dropped me at Monumento LRT station, unfortunately I was not able to catch the last train. I took the jeepney heading to Baclaran. My husband picks me up at a gasoline station near MOA. It is already 11:30 pm when we arrive at home.

Over all the reunion is successful. Here are some of our photos.

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