Saturday, February 7, 2009

January 17 - Check up

January 17, 2009, Saturday. It is my check with my OB. My husband has a schedule work for that day so he just drop me at Wellcare Clinic. My OB arrives at 10am but to get a good number I was there already at around 8:30am.

When it is my turn, my OB checked my weight and she was surprised that I only gained 1 pound for that whole month, given that it is a holiday season. I still don't have the appetite to eat more but I have lots of fruits on my diet. The vomiting just stopped a week ago so maybe I would have the appetite soon. She prescribed me with a new vitamin for the blood and told me to take my multivitamins twice a day.

She checked on the baby's heartbeat, and she told me that the baby's heartbeat is good. After that she told me to see her on February 14 for my next check up.

I went to the supermarket to buy vegetables and fruits and then I head my way home.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

December 28 - Welcome Home Kuya Rod

December 28 - We woke up at 3:30 am that day, because Kuya Rod (Ate Cris' husband ) is coming home from Qatar. His Arrival is at 4:00 am, Ate wants us to pick them at 3:00 am but I told Ate to adjust it to 4:00am because it is too early. Kuya Rod still have to line up with the immigration and etc, and another thing is that Adrian is also coming with us.

At 4:00 am Adrian is stilll sleeping, his father put a jacket on him and carried him into the car, but eventually he opened his eyes and asked where are we going. I told him that we will pck up Ate and Kyla but he can continue his sleep along the way.

Few minutes after and we are at Ate's house, Jelmar loads their things in the trunk. We have to drop by to our parents house to unload the foods and drinks. The welcome party will be held at my parents' house so they wll be the one to cook the food. After unloading, off we go the airport. We arrived there fifteen minutes before 5:00am; Kuya Rod is already at the arrival. My husband helped my brother in law in loading his things, luckily they were able to squeeze those boxes to fit into the trunk.

We arrived at my parents' house before 6:oo am. We we have pork sinigang, rice, and pandesal with cheese for breakfast. Ate Maricel and her family were already there since yesterday. That morning they had videoke and had some brandy. Ate Maricel was in-charge in the kitchen, she already started cooking menudo and kare-kare for the lunch and the spaghetti for the afternoon snack.

After having snack we told our parents that we have to go because my husband's uncle is expecting that we will visit them today and also Kuya Rod needs a rest from a very long night trip.

December 25 - Christmas Day

December 25 - Thursday, Christmas Day, my husband asked if I am already feeling well. He is planning to take us to the mall on that day. Well I told him that maybe I should go out, we can go back home if I am really not well.

Festival Mall opens at 12 noon, we waited for few minutes before the mall opens because we arrived earlier. We ate first at Max's Restaurant. After resting for few minutes; we went to the ground floor so that Adrian can ride in the mini car driving area. Surprisingly the area is full of kids and parents; what we thought at first is that most of the kids were busy visiting their godparents as we used to be when we are younger.

After that ride, we went to the department store to look for a maternity dress for me; but I did not find the one that I am looking for. I asked my husband to go to the other mall nearby which is the Alabang Town Center. At the mall, we saw same scenario, there are still a lot of people but this time it is the cinema area which is full. Before strolling the mall, Adrian asked for a snack at Jolibee.

Unfortunately the Havin' a baby store is temporarily closed that day, so we decided to look at other stalls. At the end we saw nice and comfortable dress at Cinderella and Get Loud Store. My husband too bought a jacket, short and T-shirt for himself. We also bought a new toy (power ranger) for Adrian. He is very excited with his new toy that he told us that we can now go home.

December 24 - Christmas Eve

December 24 - Wednesday, Christmas Eve, I am not feeling well on that day so my husband did not push me to cook something for the Noche Buena, anyway it is only the three of us. My in-laws supposed to be celebrating the Christmas with us, but because someone did a forced entry in their house few weeks ago, they did not want to leave the house for the meantime; instead had Claire to be with them on the Christmas upto New Year.

My husband cooked the ham for the dinner and that's all that we had for the Noche Buena. In Imus, my sisters and their families were celebrating the Christmas with my parents. They really wanted me to come but they know that I am not feeling well since yesterday.

After the dinner we asked Adrian to open his gift, actually he already opened some of his gifts and there is only one that remained unopened . After taking some photos we went upstairs and watch a movie on HBO.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

December 20 - My Check Up and etc.

December 20 - Saturday, schedule of my second check up with my OB. We were already at the clinic at 8:30, I am patient number 5, the clinic opens at 9 am so we have to wait for few more minutes. Thirty minutes past nine, I told my husband to ask the secretary if Dra. Mata is coming. the secretary told us that Dra. Mata is doing a delivery so she will be late today, but she assures that she will come at 11 am. Fifteen minutes after 11, the secretary informed is that she is already on the way. I am stressed out because we are there early, but my husband told me not to take it seriously because we do not have control over this. I am hungry, so I told my husband to have lunch at Jolibee. After having lunch, my husband told Claire to go to the clinic while we will drop by at the department store to buy gifts for the party later this afternoon.

After buying the gifts we went back to the clinic. We still waited for some more minutes, Dra. Mata arrives at around 12:30 pm. When it is my turn already, she cjeck my baby's heartbeat using an apparatus which she puts at the lower part of my tummy. We can really hear the heartbeat of my baby. She told me that the baby has a normal heartbeat, she advised that I continue my the vitamins that I am taking now but I have to make it twice a day, because I only gained less than 3 lbs for the past 5 weeks.

After that we head our way to my parents' house in Imus, we will give them the grocery items for Christmas eve. When we enter the subdivision we saw my youngest sister Matet walking out of the subdivision, she is going to her classmate birthday party. Ate Maricel with his son Charlie is also there. Charlie will be spending his vacation there.

At 3pm, my husband and I told my son and my parents that we have to go to Manila to meet my husband's supplier of electronic gadgets. At around 5:30 pm, we pick up Adrian and Claire and told my parents that we still have to attend a party that was organized by Kuya Larry for his customer -Kuya Larry owns the Car maintenance shop.

Kuya Larry and Sir Chitorb were busy setting up the sound system when we arrived, while Kuya Larry's wife is busy preparing the table for the food. Their crew were doing the barbecue. After few more minutes, others were starting to arrive. When almost all is already there, Kuya Larry told us that we can eat while we are still waiting for others who were stucked in heavy traffic due to the last minute shopping.

After eating, we proceeded with the exchange gift, while the kids were busy watching a movie, and then a mini raffle for all. Kuya Larry and His wife also distribute their gifts for everyone.

At around 9pm, the party is not yet over, but we have to left early. We told everyone that we have to go, and they understand because I am pregnant. We also drop by at the dogfood store which is also along the way from Kuya Larry's shop.

December 19 - Equipment Engineering Christmas Party

December 19 - It is the day of our party and also the last day of work before the two week long company shutdown. After work we head our way to Pansol Laguna where we rented a private pool. My friend/neighbor/co-employee Ileen and his husband Jufil told us not to bring a car on that day because they are bringing their car.

We are the last to arrive, but the party has not yet started. They are still preparing for the food, but others were already eating. We already had snack along the way, so I did not eat much that time. After having fruits, I told my friend Tonet to went to the room to continue the scrapbook that we are doing for Ate Josie. She was been in the company for 26 years, she has been with the group for 6 six years and this is her last day with the company.

We went up to the room. Ate Josie saw us going up so she followed us there. We cannot proceed with the scrapbook so we told her that we will change clothes first. After changing clothes, the emcee is calling everyone because the party is about to start. The prayer was led by Beth, and then a short opening remarks from our department manager. We decided to continue the scrapbook when the games started, although we will miss the fun there, we have to complete the scrapbook, before the surprised part of tonight's party for Ate Josie. Other group also prepared something for her - they paid for a caricature of herself doing her favorite sport which is bowling. For our group, we choose to have it personalized, which is the scrapbook of her photos.

After finishing the scrapbook, at the last two pages, we let everyone to put a dedication for Ate Josie.

Then the emcee called Ate Josie at the front to give the gifts, she was surprised because she did not know that we prepared something for her.

At around 12pm we left, while others will stay for overnight. We arrived at home at 1:15 am of the next day.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

December 13 - Group Christmas Party

December 13 - Saturday, our group organized a Christmas party for our technicians. Our group is a small one, we invited other technicians from other group to be our guest, since their group is not having one (maybe their group supervisors is too busy organize a party for them). Every year we make it a point to organize a small party for the group, it is the only time of the year that we see other for none work related matters. We pushed through we it even though at the very last day, some of the attendees had emergency matters to attend.

We rented a private pool at Laguna, where we can spend the whole day with the group. The venue also has a billiard, so while others enjoying the pool, others can play the game.

My husband is coming from night shift work so he will pick me up before going to the place. Our former co-employee Francis is also joining the party so we picked him up at Robinson's Pala-Pala. We arrived at the venue at past 11 am, almost time for lunch and foods were all ready.
After having a full lunch, some choose to sing in the videoke while some were playing the billiards, others were in the pool.

Over-all the party is a successfull one. This is the only time of the year that we can be together because some of us were in crewing schedule.