Wednesday, December 31, 2008

December 24 - Christmas Eve

December 24 - Wednesday, Christmas Eve, I am not feeling well on that day so my husband did not push me to cook something for the Noche Buena, anyway it is only the three of us. My in-laws supposed to be celebrating the Christmas with us, but because someone did a forced entry in their house few weeks ago, they did not want to leave the house for the meantime; instead had Claire to be with them on the Christmas upto New Year.

My husband cooked the ham for the dinner and that's all that we had for the Noche Buena. In Imus, my sisters and their families were celebrating the Christmas with my parents. They really wanted me to come but they know that I am not feeling well since yesterday.

After the dinner we asked Adrian to open his gift, actually he already opened some of his gifts and there is only one that remained unopened . After taking some photos we went upstairs and watch a movie on HBO.

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