Sunday, December 14, 2008

December 13 - Group Christmas Party

December 13 - Saturday, our group organized a Christmas party for our technicians. Our group is a small one, we invited other technicians from other group to be our guest, since their group is not having one (maybe their group supervisors is too busy organize a party for them). Every year we make it a point to organize a small party for the group, it is the only time of the year that we see other for none work related matters. We pushed through we it even though at the very last day, some of the attendees had emergency matters to attend.

We rented a private pool at Laguna, where we can spend the whole day with the group. The venue also has a billiard, so while others enjoying the pool, others can play the game.

My husband is coming from night shift work so he will pick me up before going to the place. Our former co-employee Francis is also joining the party so we picked him up at Robinson's Pala-Pala. We arrived at the venue at past 11 am, almost time for lunch and foods were all ready.
After having a full lunch, some choose to sing in the videoke while some were playing the billiards, others were in the pool.

Over-all the party is a successfull one. This is the only time of the year that we can be together because some of us were in crewing schedule.

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