Saturday, December 20, 2008

December 19 - Equipment Engineering Christmas Party

December 19 - It is the day of our party and also the last day of work before the two week long company shutdown. After work we head our way to Pansol Laguna where we rented a private pool. My friend/neighbor/co-employee Ileen and his husband Jufil told us not to bring a car on that day because they are bringing their car.

We are the last to arrive, but the party has not yet started. They are still preparing for the food, but others were already eating. We already had snack along the way, so I did not eat much that time. After having fruits, I told my friend Tonet to went to the room to continue the scrapbook that we are doing for Ate Josie. She was been in the company for 26 years, she has been with the group for 6 six years and this is her last day with the company.

We went up to the room. Ate Josie saw us going up so she followed us there. We cannot proceed with the scrapbook so we told her that we will change clothes first. After changing clothes, the emcee is calling everyone because the party is about to start. The prayer was led by Beth, and then a short opening remarks from our department manager. We decided to continue the scrapbook when the games started, although we will miss the fun there, we have to complete the scrapbook, before the surprised part of tonight's party for Ate Josie. Other group also prepared something for her - they paid for a caricature of herself doing her favorite sport which is bowling. For our group, we choose to have it personalized, which is the scrapbook of her photos.

After finishing the scrapbook, at the last two pages, we let everyone to put a dedication for Ate Josie.

Then the emcee called Ate Josie at the front to give the gifts, she was surprised because she did not know that we prepared something for her.

At around 12pm we left, while others will stay for overnight. We arrived at home at 1:15 am of the next day.

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