Saturday, December 20, 2008

December 20 - My Check Up and etc.

December 20 - Saturday, schedule of my second check up with my OB. We were already at the clinic at 8:30, I am patient number 5, the clinic opens at 9 am so we have to wait for few more minutes. Thirty minutes past nine, I told my husband to ask the secretary if Dra. Mata is coming. the secretary told us that Dra. Mata is doing a delivery so she will be late today, but she assures that she will come at 11 am. Fifteen minutes after 11, the secretary informed is that she is already on the way. I am stressed out because we are there early, but my husband told me not to take it seriously because we do not have control over this. I am hungry, so I told my husband to have lunch at Jolibee. After having lunch, my husband told Claire to go to the clinic while we will drop by at the department store to buy gifts for the party later this afternoon.

After buying the gifts we went back to the clinic. We still waited for some more minutes, Dra. Mata arrives at around 12:30 pm. When it is my turn already, she cjeck my baby's heartbeat using an apparatus which she puts at the lower part of my tummy. We can really hear the heartbeat of my baby. She told me that the baby has a normal heartbeat, she advised that I continue my the vitamins that I am taking now but I have to make it twice a day, because I only gained less than 3 lbs for the past 5 weeks.

After that we head our way to my parents' house in Imus, we will give them the grocery items for Christmas eve. When we enter the subdivision we saw my youngest sister Matet walking out of the subdivision, she is going to her classmate birthday party. Ate Maricel with his son Charlie is also there. Charlie will be spending his vacation there.

At 3pm, my husband and I told my son and my parents that we have to go to Manila to meet my husband's supplier of electronic gadgets. At around 5:30 pm, we pick up Adrian and Claire and told my parents that we still have to attend a party that was organized by Kuya Larry for his customer -Kuya Larry owns the Car maintenance shop.

Kuya Larry and Sir Chitorb were busy setting up the sound system when we arrived, while Kuya Larry's wife is busy preparing the table for the food. Their crew were doing the barbecue. After few more minutes, others were starting to arrive. When almost all is already there, Kuya Larry told us that we can eat while we are still waiting for others who were stucked in heavy traffic due to the last minute shopping.

After eating, we proceeded with the exchange gift, while the kids were busy watching a movie, and then a mini raffle for all. Kuya Larry and His wife also distribute their gifts for everyone.

At around 9pm, the party is not yet over, but we have to left early. We told everyone that we have to go, and they understand because I am pregnant. We also drop by at the dogfood store which is also along the way from Kuya Larry's shop.

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