Monday, April 21, 2008

Adrian's Enrollment

April 17, Thursday, my husband enrolled our son Adrian at Vel Maris School. I was not able to make it with them, because I had to finish some reports at work that needed to be submitted. My son attended his nursery at the same school. This school year he will be entering as kinder, while two of his classmates were accelerated to preparatory. We are not forcing him to be that good at school last year; our intention why we enrolled is we want him to develop his social skills. My son used to be afraid of people, everytime we attend family gathering or any gathering, he is always hiding behind me. We are thankful that now he can face anybody without fear. As a matter of fact, when he meet new faces, he is the first to ask their names and then he will introduce himself and sometimes he even introduce us to them. He will say that I am his mother, followed by my name and he will do the same to his father.

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