Wednesday, April 30, 2008

May 1 - Labor Day

May 1, Thursday, eventhough it is holiday today, we still woke up early this morning; maybe because we already had this set-up of waking up early for a long time. GMA, usually move holidays to the nearest monday or friday, but in this case, she did not. The reason maybe because labor groups and unions are really celebrating on the date itself. Yesterday on our daily morning meeting of equipment engineers, our manager asked who is going to work on holiday. One by one he asked, he mostly got a no answer. In my case I used to not working on holiday but he still asked me the same question, I just answer no, I still want to tell him that I be out until Monday, but I choose not too. I will just send a leave request on our time statement after the meeting. We are going to Quezon tomorrow, so we will prepare our things this morning. My husband mentioned that he is going to meet a friend of him this afternoon and wanted me to go with him. I had to stop blogging at this very moment because I have to prepare our breakfast.

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