Monday, March 31, 2008

House Acceptance, etc.

March 31, Monday, the schedule of the acceptance of the house and lot unit of Adis. Being her special power of attorney, I am able to perform rights same as the buyer such as, applying for electrical and water connection, doing the house inspection, and signing documents and papers. Early this morning we went to the subdivision, after seeing the improvements done, I accepted the unit and then we went to the main office at Mandaluyong to submit the acceptance and secure an authority to move in documents. My husband laso had a transaction this time at main office, our house is also under this developer. The check for the March monthly amortization for our house had bounce due to out of balance. He admitted that he was not able to monitor the checking account, the fund was a thousand plus short of the amount. Due to this the bank deducted a penalty of two thousand plus on the returned check. He also deposited some amount to complete the needed fund. Aside from the bank's penalty, there is alos incurred interest for the developer which he has to settle. He also provided a letter informing the developer that the check is already funded and they can now redeposit the check. Well, this has been a lesson to us to monitor the transcations on our checking account; after five years, this is the first time that we had encountered this problem.

March 30, Sunday

March 30, Sunday, a family friend invited our family to attend their youngest child firts birthday which will be held in a resort somewhere in Indang Trece. We would like to go but unfortunately we had previously agreed to Adis that we will assist her in that same day. Past 10am we pick-up Adis at Robinsons mall in Imus. We will assist her in looking for ceramic tiles that will be used in their new house. We only saw two stores that were open that day, so we decide to go to that two stores and check out what they had to offer. At the first store Adis asks the personnel to estimate the number of tiles we will need in a certain floor area. She also asked her to include the adhesive that will be used. After giving the computation, and a calling card, we went to the other store nearby and do the same. It is almost lunch time when we finished with the activity for that day. We had a lunch at Jolibee, as requested by Adrian. After having some chat and finished with the food, we dropped Adis at the nearest bus stop and then we went home. Late in the afternoon, upon knowing that our neighboor already arrived, I ask Adrian to get his gift to Patricia and we will give it to her. My husband followed us there. We had some shots of red wine and had some chat regarding our studies (they also graduating from different school this comong April).

Sunday, March 30, 2008

EJ's 7th Birthday

We attended EJ's 7th birthday celebration yesterday, Saturday, March 29. He is the first born of my boss. One week ago, when my boss handed the invitation to me, I told him that I am not sure if can attend, because it is the following day after our graduation. We might be tired or may want to took some rest after that event. Saturday morning, my husband decided not to go, becasue my head is aching. But in the afternoon when I already feeling well, I told my husband that we should attend. We immediately leave the house, our boss also lives in Dasmariñas, so it will not took a long time to get there. We arrived at 4:00pm, the scelebration started past 3pm, we missed some activities but still we our boss is happy to see us there. Adrian also enjoyed playing with other kids, whom some of them he already met in some occassion. My godson Vince, along with his parents, Gemma and marlon also attended the celebration.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Graduation Day

March 28, Friday, the day of graduation. It was just an ordinary day. We treated the day with like there is no special event. I even do laundry that morning. Matet-my youngest sister arrived the day before and will be joining with us with todays event. Andrei-my husband's cousin also arrived the night before to join us. Claire and my father in-law arrived at 8am. At around 10:30am we headed off to Manila. We decided to have our lunch at KFC, it is already 11:30am and the event will start at 1pm. We arrived at the venue at 12:45pm, there are still a lot of parking space available, but we are surpirsed that they already raised their parking fee from 50 pesos to 65 pesos, it is only last tuesday when we last parked our car so we knew that it is only 50. Our guest of is Sen. Mar Roxas, after finishing with his speech and attending in the awarding to honor students he left because he still have some graduation rites to attend. After the graduation, we went ot makati to meet Adis after her work at BPI, then we ate dinner at Jollibee. We also pick up some items that she bought for their new house in Imus Cavite.

Graduation Rehearsal

March 25, Tuesday, we attended graduation rehearsal at Folk Arts Theater. It is my first time to got there, eventhoguh we allready heard of if since high school. It is a huge venue althoug it is already old it can still serve its purpose. After the rehearsal, together with our two other classmates, we decided to have a snack at Yellow Cab along Macapagal.

Back to Cavite

March 23, Sunday After attending the morning mass; our family were busy cleaning the house. We are not able to finish cleaning the mess from the past day event. I cooked spaghetti and fried chicken for lunch. It was supposed to be served yesterday, but since there were also pancit bihon and shang-hai, we decided stop cooking them. We headed off to Magsaysay at aroun 4:30pm to pick-up Andrei and Ayi, while Claire will stay for a week in Quezon to finish her clearance and to get her class card. At around 5 pm we left and start our way to Manila. We expected to experience heavy traffic, because most of the people that spent their holy week in the province will be going to Manila also. At aound 9pm we decided to have a stop over at Max's San Pablo. After having a quick dinner, we decided to continue our way to Manila. At around 11:30pm we arrived at Parañaque, we had a coffee and a short chat with Tito Ed (his family left Quezon at 4am and arrived at 12nn-they had stoppages at some town to buy some pasalubong). Past 1am, we left and arrived in Cavite at around 2pm.

Gintong Anahaw

March 22, Saturday, after the small gathering and short program at my mother in-laws house, we went to Gintong Anahaw Resort. Originally the plan to go to a resort was scheduled on Sunday, but it was moved to that day because some of my husband’s relatives are already going home to Manila on Sunday morning. The kids and the elders had fun in the water. My husband was not able to swim; it is the burden of being the photographer (hehehe). In my case, I was not able to bring any swim wear.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Conducto Family Reunion

March 22, Saturday. This morning we attended the mass at St. Clare. At 10am relatives of my husband start coming in. Their very first reunion is going to be held at my in-laws house; and since she is the eldest, she hosted this event. It is just a simple event; we prepared some food, drinks and games for the kids. The highlight of the evnt is when Nany Ideng and the rest of the family shared their thoughts and feelings. Tht time, two of her children was not able to come due to some important reasons; however their childeren represent them in the event.

Macro Shots

some of my husband's macro shots...

Quezon Province

March 21, Good Friday, at around 2:30 am, after hearing the alarm, I immediately woke up to prepare a quick breakfast for all of us. Andrei and Ayi (my husband’s cousins – they are both teachers in Manila) arrived last night; they will be going with us to Quezon. At 3:00 am we had our breakfast; Adrian just had a glass of milk. My husband decided to go at around 3:30am. We usually travel to Quezon during dawn to avoid the heavy traffic. We arrived at Gumaca at past 7:00 am. We decided to have a stop over, to take some photos of the view. After that we moved to Lopez which is next town. We arrived at Magsaysay, where Lola Ideng - my husband's grandmother lives to drop Andrei and Ayi. After having coffee and some bread, my mother in-law arrives and told Adrian that his Lolo is already waiting for him.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Adrian's Swimming Pool

March 20, Thursday, This morning Adrian asks if he could swim in his inflatable swimming pool. I cannot say no, so I ask Claire to get the pool in her room. I assisted her in preparing the pool. My husband took some photos of Adrian enjoying the water.

Palm Sunday

March 16, Sunday, we went to Pink Sister Convent at Tagaytay to celebrate the mass of Palm Sunday. Upon arriving to the church, we saw a lot of people attending the mass, because there are plastic chairs outside the church for people to sit. The church is not that big, but it is only during special occasion when the church is full because of the additional people coming from Manila and other place in Cavite. After the mass, my husband took some photos of the church and the view. He also caught Adrian arranging the plastic chairs – he used tin doing this after mass at the chapel at our clubhouse. Adrian was not aware that his father is taking pictures of him.

After the mass, we went to yellow cab to celebrate our anniversary.

My Husband’s New Camera

March 15, Saturday, My husband and I went to Megamall to buy a DLSR camera. We have been looking for a replacement for our old digital camera for a week now. We already called a lot of shops and inquire for their prices and compare freebies. We are selecting between S5IS, 400D, or D40. Finally we decided to grab a D40 camera.

After buying the camera we had a brunch (breakfast and lunch – we just had a glass of milk and a piece of bread that morning) at Max’s, then we immediately go to the office of the developer where we have to submit the documents of Adis. Unfortunately, the personnel had notice that the form is lacking some signatures. I immediately informed Adis about it and she told me to meet her in a mall in Makati City. After having a lunch (again) with her boyfriend, we finally got to home. The personnel at main office told me that I can submit the document at their branch office at Imus Cavite.

Ate Marice, Kuya Jimmy, and Charlie

March 9, Sunday, Ate Maricel together with Kuya Jimmy and Charlie visited us at around 8:00 am. I still have not yet prepared something for breakfast; fortunately Ate Maricel bought some puto, suman, and pancit from a store along the way to our house.

Adrian is excited to see Charlie, firstly because he saw that his bike has returned (it was borrowed by Charlie for a week), secondly he has a playmate, he no longer need to go to the neighbor to have playmates.

After having a quick breakfast, I still decided to cook, because my husband is coming from his nightshift duty. I choose to cook something quick and easy that day which is tuna omelet – canned tuna with scrambled egg, minced carrot and potato. Ate Maricel loved the idea of the tuna omelet; I told her that I learned the recipe from a cooking show.
At around 9:30 am my husband came. He was surprised when he saw Kuya Jimmy and Ate Maricel, I was not able to inform him that we had visitors. He actually had promised us that we are going out late that day after for our wedding anniversary celebration. It has been a long time since he saw Kuya Jimmy, after eating; the two guys have a llitte chat outside, while we and the kids are watching TV.

Ate Maricel is telling Charlie that they need to go home, but Charlie is busy playing with Adrian. I told her that they can have a lunch with us and ask Charlie to go home after having lunch. I cooked sarsiadong bangus, they all loved it (or they don/t just have a choice). At around 2pm, Ate Maricel and her family went to their house.

My husband being tired at work that night need to rest and we decided, again to postpone the celebration.

Another Busy Saturday

March 8, Saturday, it is our wedding anniversary, but we have committed to Adis that we will help her to go to the main office of the developer; we decide to move the celebration. At quarter to 6am, we left the home; Adrian is still sleeping – but it better because he may want to come with us if he is awake. I just woke up Claire and told her that I was not able to prepare breakfast them. My husband and I had a cup of milk and bread that morning. We arrived at Makati City at past 7am; we met Adis at 7:15am. She also has not taken her breakfast, so we decided to drive through to the nearest jolibee. It is only our third time in Makati so my husband is very careful in taking each road; it is because some roads are one way and there are a lot of no left tur, no right turn and no u-turn warnings. With the help of the map and Adis who is familiar with Makati; we successfully reached the Makati-Mandaluyong bridge. We arrived at the office at 8:10 am, Adis immediately filled up a transaction form. At last we are called and were attended with a personnel, this time the agent has come to assist us. The personnel is not that accommodating, regarding our questions and clarifications; maybe because she is attending a lot of buyers that time, but at the end we at least finished our business and we were given a clearance for inspection. Before going to the site, we have our luch at Max’s. Adis already seen the house and she will not be coming with us to inspect the house instead she had given me an authorization letter, authorizing me to do the inspection. Before we go to the site, we got to TUP Manila first to pay for the rent of Toga. Afterwards we go to Robinson Imus; it is only 2pm and the agent still has to attend to some of her clients in the main office, and we will meet her at the site at around 3pm.

We received a text message from the agent before 3pm, so we decided to go to the site. She was already at the gate when we arrived. At first the engineer on-duty will not allow us to inspect the house because we do not have a special power of attorney. But after I had told them that the personnel in main office told us that an authorization letter is enough, they called the main office to verify. At the end, they allow me to do the initial inspection. After the inspection, the engineer has scheduled the second on the final inspection on March 17 and 31. After that we went home.

Pro-Friends Main Office

March 5, 2007, Wednesday. We agreed to accompany Adis to the main office of the developer at Mandaluyong to submit required documents for her house loan. My husband is coming from his duty that night, while I requested for a vacation leave for that day. That morning Adrian thought it is Saturday because I was in the house. When I told him that he is going to school, he refuses and told me that I was in the house; so is he. After explaining to him that it is only Wednesday, he agreed. At 9am his school service arrived and he left the house with Claire. At quarter to 10am; my husband arrived. I told him to get a nap, before we go to Caloocan City to meet Adis. At 11:30 am we left the house. Along the way, I was reviewing the sketch that a friend has given us and verifying it with our Metro Manila map. It is our first time to go to Caloocan City. We arrived there at quarter to one, but we still waited for Adis for another fifteen minutes. She is coming from her work at Makati. After withdrawing at the Bank, we bought some snack at the Mini-Stop store. We decided to take the road that we previously took, because Adis told us about the traffic condition at EDSA. When we got there in Manila, The Traffic is slow moving also because of the container vans that is filling up on the north harbor, but after that the traffic is quite okay.

We arrived at the Main office at 4pm, the office hours is until 5:30. When our transaction is called it is already quarter to 5. Unfortunately upon seeing the list of the needed documents, Adis is lacking some of it. So we decided to pay the down payment and to submit the other requirements on Saturday.

We had our dinner at chowking. My husband had his favorite chicken lauriat, while I had shanghai luriat.

House Tripping

This is the second time that we assisted Adis in looking for a house. The first one was not successful. This time she bought a property finder (a magazine which publishes house and lot for sale). We are not yet been in Buhay na Tubig, Imus. We are surprised that it has a lot of subdivisions; some of them are fully occupied and some are new. So we enter one subdivision to another; hoping that we can find what we are looking for. The first factor we are considering is the total amount of the house and lot, second is the construction of the house, and third is the location. We have seen four subdivisions and a number of house models, but some are too expensive and some are not yet built. Adis wanted a ready for occupancy house; so that they can immediately move in. Then we saw this agent, she is offering a house that is fitted with our budget, the location is good, and the house construction is fairly acceptable, because Adis wanted a three bedroom, it only has a two bedroom.

At the end of the day Adis decided that she likes the house and paid the reservation fee for the unit. After the tiring activity, she decided to treat us at Max’s at Robinson Imus.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rock and Bowl

March 1, 2008, Saturday, Our Company organized a bowling tournament for its employee. My husband and I formed a team with other three members coming from our group. They registered our team under the name, REDLINE. I was not aware of who chose the name, but it is not that important to me. We are (with Calire and Adrian) about to go that morning when Adis called and ask me if we can accompany her in Imus, Cavite to look for a house. I told her that we have a bowling tournament that day, but if she is willing to wait until we finished with the game, then we will accompany her. She agreed and told us the she will go to Festival Mall at around 1 pm. Unfortunately the game started late at around 11 am, it supposed to start at 10 am. We are still at the first game when Adis texted that she is already at the mall. When she arrived at the gameworx, where the bowling center is; she asked me if we can leave without finishing the game. We love bowling and we are having fun, but it is my sister who needs our assistance, so we told that team that we need to leave early. Fortunately there are other employees that are not playing, so we ask if they can replace us.

We ate first our lunch at Sbarro, we ordered pizza and pasta. Pasta and garlic breads were served first. We are teasing Adrian that we did not ordered pizza, he is sad because he does not like pasta; but when the pizza was served his mood changes immediately upon seeing his favorite pizza.

After having our lunch, we go to toy section. Adis had promised Adrian that she will buy him Zoids. There were Zoids in the toy store but the blue one that Adrian likes is already out of stock. We them move to another store and then another, but unfortunately all of the blue zooids were already sold out. We saw a similar toy from one store, Adrian was excited to see it, but after holding the box and carefully looking at the every details of the toy, he recognizes that it is not a zoids. Adrian agreed that we will look for his toy next time and in other mall; then we decided to go to Imus Cavite.

Friday, March 7, 2008


February 26, Tuesday, we had a scheduled defense of our project study at TUP – Manila. At 5:30am we first go to Gen. Trias to pick up the external member of the panel (whom is required that we have to bring one panel from the industry where we are working for). My time will be at 8:00am, while my husband will be at 10:00am. I prepare some sandwich spread, tuna, ham and bought a cheese pimiento from a co-engineers wife-it is her specialty. We bought pandesal at Pan de Manila along the way. I also bring along a pack of coffee from gourmet and a coffee maker.

We knew that we will be late, so I tried to call the chairperson of the panel that we will be coming, but her phone is currently unable to reach. We arrived 10 minutes late; and the panel is already at the room. We ask apology for being late, and they understand.I started the report and ends at around part 9. They told me to go outside of the room fro them to deliberate. After few minutes the secretary called me and told me to inside.

The chairman announced that I passed – what a relief. Then it is my husband’s turn. I left the room to call Matet, to help me to buy food for the panel at SM. She was on the way to SM, so I told her that we can meet there. When I arrived at SM, I directly go to the Max ‘s and ordered 10 sets of meal. I decided to call Matet to meet me there, just to found out that there is no signal there.The food is already prepared; but I had nobody to help me. So I ask the manager if he will allow somebody to assist me. They allow one waiter to accompany me to TUP. I handed him some bills, he told me it is not necessary but I insisted, because of the help. Matet, texted me that she already had a class. I texted her not to worry and told her that somebody helped me carry the foods.

Then, I heard the news from my husband that he also passed. We decided to eat at the SM, because it is already lunch break and we still have to meet our advisers for some revisions on our paper. After having lunch, we go to our advisers to discuss the necessary changes and then we went home.