Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ate Marice, Kuya Jimmy, and Charlie

March 9, Sunday, Ate Maricel together with Kuya Jimmy and Charlie visited us at around 8:00 am. I still have not yet prepared something for breakfast; fortunately Ate Maricel bought some puto, suman, and pancit from a store along the way to our house.

Adrian is excited to see Charlie, firstly because he saw that his bike has returned (it was borrowed by Charlie for a week), secondly he has a playmate, he no longer need to go to the neighbor to have playmates.

After having a quick breakfast, I still decided to cook, because my husband is coming from his nightshift duty. I choose to cook something quick and easy that day which is tuna omelet – canned tuna with scrambled egg, minced carrot and potato. Ate Maricel loved the idea of the tuna omelet; I told her that I learned the recipe from a cooking show.
At around 9:30 am my husband came. He was surprised when he saw Kuya Jimmy and Ate Maricel, I was not able to inform him that we had visitors. He actually had promised us that we are going out late that day after for our wedding anniversary celebration. It has been a long time since he saw Kuya Jimmy, after eating; the two guys have a llitte chat outside, while we and the kids are watching TV.

Ate Maricel is telling Charlie that they need to go home, but Charlie is busy playing with Adrian. I told her that they can have a lunch with us and ask Charlie to go home after having lunch. I cooked sarsiadong bangus, they all loved it (or they don/t just have a choice). At around 2pm, Ate Maricel and her family went to their house.

My husband being tired at work that night need to rest and we decided, again to postpone the celebration.

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