Monday, March 31, 2008

House Acceptance, etc.

March 31, Monday, the schedule of the acceptance of the house and lot unit of Adis. Being her special power of attorney, I am able to perform rights same as the buyer such as, applying for electrical and water connection, doing the house inspection, and signing documents and papers. Early this morning we went to the subdivision, after seeing the improvements done, I accepted the unit and then we went to the main office at Mandaluyong to submit the acceptance and secure an authority to move in documents. My husband laso had a transaction this time at main office, our house is also under this developer. The check for the March monthly amortization for our house had bounce due to out of balance. He admitted that he was not able to monitor the checking account, the fund was a thousand plus short of the amount. Due to this the bank deducted a penalty of two thousand plus on the returned check. He also deposited some amount to complete the needed fund. Aside from the bank's penalty, there is alos incurred interest for the developer which he has to settle. He also provided a letter informing the developer that the check is already funded and they can now redeposit the check. Well, this has been a lesson to us to monitor the transcations on our checking account; after five years, this is the first time that we had encountered this problem.

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