Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May 18, 2008

Adis sent a text message if we could accompany her at the bicycle store of our friend. She is about to buy JC a bike as her birthday gift. Edwin, the godfather of Adrian has a bike stall as their family business. I instructed Adis to go to Dasmarinas town proper and we will just pick her up there. When we arrived at the town proper, we saw Adis walking at the sidewalk, she is heading towards the dunkin donut stall. The kids love donut a lot that why she bought two dozen. After that we also bought grilled chicken from Andoks; this is also a favorite of our family. We went to the stall, and found out that the stall is closed. My husband called his friend and fortunately he is at home which is beside the stall. Matet and JC arrived also at the stall. He wanted to see the bike and cannot wait back in Imus; so he persisted in going to the stall. We waited for 30 minutes for the bike to be assembled, and then we go. When we arrived, my parents were very happy to see my son. Adrian is their youngest grandson; which makes him their favorite. JC is excited with his new bike; he saw other kids with their bikes, so he asked permission if he can try it. At around 9pm we decided to go home, because my husband is expecting a friend to visit us at home.

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