Monday, May 5, 2008

May 3, Saturday

May 3, Saturday, It is not only the day for the high school reunion of my father in law's but the birthday of my mother in law as well. At around 4 am we woke up to prepare to go to the church to attend the 5 am mass. Unfortunately, when we arrived there we, the mass is already finished. My mother in law asked one of the parishioner, how come that the mass is already done, when it is only 5 am. There was a procession at 4am, it rained a little bit so they decided to stop the procession that early and the priest proceed with the mass. We went to a small eatery to have our breakfast; afterwards we went to Nanay Ideng (my mother in law's mother). We brought some pancit bihon which we bought from the eatery. There also Andrei and Ayi, together with some of their siblings (my husband's cousins); they are spending their vacation there. We invited them to go with us, Ayi wanted to come but she is attending a wedding of a friend. We waited for Andrei to packed her things; while Adrian played with his other cousins (Alham and Alarex).

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