Monday, May 5, 2008

May 2, Friday

May 2, Friday, I requested for a vacation leave so that we can go to Quezon; while my husband is still coming out from his nightshift duty. When he came home at past 9am, we went to Robinson's Imus to return the slippers of Adrian. After having it replaced for a bigger size, we went home. I already instructed Claire to prepare her things and I will be the one to prepare for my husband and my son. She also prepared a meal for us; after eating, I packed some clothes and other things, while my husband takes a nap ( he will be driving, so he surely needed sleep because he just came ffrom his work). At 2:30 pm, we travel our way to Quezon. There is no traffic yet at the south luzon express way because of the vacationers will be going to the province after their work or early saturday morning. We only had one stop over at Lucena. We arrived at past 7:00 pm at Lopez Quezon. After having dinner with my in-laws; we did some videoke (this time using magic sing). Adrian was not able to sleep in comfort because we left his favorite pillow at home.

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