Sunday, June 29, 2008

At Home

June 29, 2008, Sunday, My son woke me up, when I opened my eyes, I saw from the wall clock that it is already past 8am. I got up and went down and saw Claire in the kitchen, she ask me what will be our breakfast. I told her to cook fried egg, fried eggplant and fried dried fish and squid.

My husband arrived from his night shift work at 10am. I turned on the TV and search for the channel that had a live telecast of the diaz-pacquiao fight. I checked on the solar sports but it is a late telecast, same with GMA. I found one channel that is far ahead of the two channel, but with past experience, the signal went off in time of the main event. Before the main event, there is a scrolling message in the screen that the live telecast is brought through the efforts our congressman and mayor.

During the fight, we are cheering for Pacquiao, while Adrian is cheering for Diaz. We are keep on telling him that he should cheer for the filipino fighter, but he says that he likes to cheer for the american fighter. At round nine when diaz was knocked down and pacquiao was crowned new champion.

Visit to the Dentist

June 28, 2008, Saturday me and my husband have a scheduled dental check up. Before going to the dentist, we went to Imus first because I had to submit the house improvement plan to the site engineer. Gladys asked me to have submit it in her behalf. We also let Adrian and Claire stay at Imus because they may not enjoy waiting for us in the clinic. The dentist is my husband friend, his clinic is located at Binakayan Cavite. The national road that time is under construction, the road is on one way; so we have to take the alternate route.

After finishing with the cleaning and check-up, we asked Doc Topet about the teeth on our son. Last week when I checked his teeth, I saw that a molar is about to come out. He told us to take care of that because it is a permanent tooth. He also told us that mostly it is been mistaken for a milk tooth, when in fact it is a permanent tooth. We told him that in our next visit we will take our son with us to have his very first dental check-up. We don't want our son be afraid of dentist.

It is almost lunch time, so we decided to go to SM Bacoor to have lunch at Mc Donalds. We bought happy meal to have toys for Adrian. He saw that the toys for happy meal are the characters of kung fu panda. We also did window shopping and bought something for Adrian, Claire and myself. My husband is looking for a good earphone, but he can't decided yet what brand and model to buy.

When we arrived at Imus, it is already 3pm. Kyla and Charlie also were there, Ate Maricel left them there and will pick them up tomorrow. We went home at around 6pm.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

For the Newly Born Twin

My husband is continuously donating his blood for the newly born twins of our co-employee for three days now. It was thursday morning when we called my attention to read an e-mail he got from our Clinic. The subject is about donating a blood for the newly born twin of our section manager. The babies were confined at de lasalle hospital in dasmarinas cavite. The e-mail is addressed to selected employees only. I concluded that the clinic might have based it on the blood type and those who are regular blood donors, because I and my husband are with the same blood type, but I don't donate blood because i am afraid of big needles, while my husband is a regular blood donor. He called the clinic and learned that my conclusion is correct but I missed one factor, which is all must be living in the vicinity of dasmarinas.

Thursday afternoon, he called me at home and told me he had his blood screened at the de lasalle. He was informed by the most of the donors failed in the screening and found out that only two of them passed (the other one is our co-employee and neighbor Sol). He told me that after work they will go to the hospital for blood extraction of two 60cc each because the babies will need it.

Friday, after working hours, I accompanied my husband (with Sol) to the hospital for the second batch extraction of blood. This time I meet the father (working on other semi-conductor company) of the babies. He was very thankful for the two donors. He also was very anxious for us having to go to the hospital every time his babies will need blood. He offered that he will pick them up and bring them back each time that the babies will need blood. He was also lucky to have donors living in one place, so it will not be difficult for him. He said the God is good in doing his way. He also mentioned that fresh blood is recommended by the doctors that is why they need to extract it and give it to the babies at the same day.

Saturday afternoon, the parents of the babies came to our house to pick up my husband for the third extraction. When my husband arrived from, he told me that the babies were getting better and we will still have to wait for further advise of the doctors if they will still be needing blood.

We are very happy that we can help in this way, and we are praying for the babies to overcome this and to get better.


June 21, we went to Imus to get the list of requirements for the house improvement. Before going to the engineer's office, we drop off Adrian and Claire at my mother's house. They were not expecting us to arrive because we usually got there on Sundays. After getting a copy of the list and some clarifications, we return to my mother's house which is only a block away. I found that my mother is still at Imus Market, my son is already playing with his cousin JC. After few minutes, my mother came from the market. I told her the needed requirements that the engineer is asking, before a fence is to be made. Claire cooked for us Tinolang Manok, because Matet is doing the laundry. At around 1pm I asked Adrian that we need to go the market, but he still wanted to play with his cousin. My husband, I and Claire left for the market, we decided to go back and pick up Adrian.

On our way to market, my husband suggested to let Adrian spent a night with his grandparents and just pick up him up tomorrow. At that moment I agreed. My husband and Claire, usually go inside the market, while me and Adrian left in the car. But this time, it is me and Claire, because my husband cannot carry heavy loads today because last night he donated a blood to twin daughter of our co-employee.

Went to Makati and Mandaluyong

June 15, Saturday, we went to Pro-friends to get the lot plan, and tax declaration of Adis' house in Imus. These were the requirements for the fencing permit. After the release of the documents we had lunch at Max's Restaurant. Since we are already in Manila, we went to Glorietta 3 to celebrate fathers day in Advance. We enter one of my husband's favorite stall and I told him that we will buy him a gift for the father's day. I handed him a shirt to fit and my son choose a baseball cap for him. But my husband is not used to caps, he like bonnets more. So my son choose another shirt for him, he also went with him in the fitting room. After paying to the cashier, we went to the cellphone/computer stall of his co-HCP member Fatch. It is our first time to meet him, we just see him in photo during their chat at YM.

Equipment Engineering Post Summer Party

June 6, our group had a post summer party at Hidden Vega Resort, which is located few kilometers from the gateway business park. My husband work schedule is until 9pm, so he will just go to the venue right after his work. I joined the group that left the company at around 6pm. When we arrived at the venue, there were others that came ahead of us. They are asking who will cook, I was the only female in the place in that moment, so I had no choice (or maybe they don't have a choice, hehehe). The guys helped me in preparing the ingredients for the pork sinigang and ginisang tahong. While cooking they will go to me and told me this "siguraduhin mong makakain yan". Well, I am used to their jokes. Not all of them knew that I am good at cooking (I thinl only my husband will agree to this). At around 8pm, we had dinner; while eating they are giving comments that my sinigang is good. This time I am not sure if they are telling the truth, but their actions speaks for themselves (they get back two or three times om my sinigang). My husband arrived at past 10 o clock. We had fun swimming, eating and singing.

Matet's 21st Birthday

June 9, we celebrated the 21st birthday of Matet at Imus Cavite a day later her real birth date which is June 8. It is because Adis is not available, me at Ate Maricel also had to attend an event, and my husband also has a work on that day. Since GMA had moved the holiday (June 12 - Independence Day) to June 9, and all of us are available on June 9. I cooked two whole chicken using the turbo broiler, Claire prepared the fruit salad, while Ate Maricel cooked spaghetti, Pancit Bihon, and Fried Chicken.

Tan-tan's 7th Birthday

June 8, Ate Maricel, Charlie and I went to Festival Mall, Alabang for Tan-tan's 7th birthday. My husband had to work for that day, he previously committed to be the photographer for the event. So I had no choice but to cover for him. Charlie is expecting Adrian to be with me when I arrived at the terminal but I choose not to bring along my son to the event because I cannot handle him and the task at the same time. We arrived 30 minutes earlier, so I made some practice shooting on the place, although my husband has taught me the basics, I am still not confident of my skills, I just prayed that I can do it. Here are some of the photos.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

World Pyrolympics 2008-MOA

May 31, Saturday morning at around 10am; Adis send a text message asking if we want to go to SM mall of asia to watch the finale of the World Pyrolympics. Upon reading the message, I asked my husband if we can go. He has a work schedule for tonight so he can't join us. He agreed to it, so at around 1pm we went to Ate Cris to pick up Charlie. We ride the bus at the town proper headed to Baclaran, then we transfer to a jeepney to MOA. We arrived there at 3pm, my mother, younger sister Adis, Matet, my nephew JC and Ate Maricel were waiting for us at Aristocrat Restaurant. They already finished with their snack, so they ordered for us and waited until we are done. We went to National bookstore to buy some school supplies. After that we went to the department store to buy the kids school uniforms and school bags, courtesy of Adis. It is almost 7pm when we finished with the shopping. We saw almost all of the fastfood chain and restaurant are full, so we decided to take out some burgers and french fries (since we had full meal on our 3pm snack). The fireworks display will start at 7:30pm so we rushed to the sea wall area.

Although I heard about it last year, it is my firts time to watch the pyrolympics. I can still remember the news about the traffic jam it caused last year. Well after seeing the first performance of the fireworks display, I now understand why people came from places and gather to just watch the show. The young and young at hearts were all entertained, my son especially. The colors, lights and the sequencing of the fireworks wow the spectators. I was not able to bring a camera, so I have to wait for Adis to share the photos of that spectacular event.