Saturday, June 21, 2008


June 21, we went to Imus to get the list of requirements for the house improvement. Before going to the engineer's office, we drop off Adrian and Claire at my mother's house. They were not expecting us to arrive because we usually got there on Sundays. After getting a copy of the list and some clarifications, we return to my mother's house which is only a block away. I found that my mother is still at Imus Market, my son is already playing with his cousin JC. After few minutes, my mother came from the market. I told her the needed requirements that the engineer is asking, before a fence is to be made. Claire cooked for us Tinolang Manok, because Matet is doing the laundry. At around 1pm I asked Adrian that we need to go the market, but he still wanted to play with his cousin. My husband, I and Claire left for the market, we decided to go back and pick up Adrian.

On our way to market, my husband suggested to let Adrian spent a night with his grandparents and just pick up him up tomorrow. At that moment I agreed. My husband and Claire, usually go inside the market, while me and Adrian left in the car. But this time, it is me and Claire, because my husband cannot carry heavy loads today because last night he donated a blood to twin daughter of our co-employee.

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