Saturday, June 21, 2008

For the Newly Born Twin

My husband is continuously donating his blood for the newly born twins of our co-employee for three days now. It was thursday morning when we called my attention to read an e-mail he got from our Clinic. The subject is about donating a blood for the newly born twin of our section manager. The babies were confined at de lasalle hospital in dasmarinas cavite. The e-mail is addressed to selected employees only. I concluded that the clinic might have based it on the blood type and those who are regular blood donors, because I and my husband are with the same blood type, but I don't donate blood because i am afraid of big needles, while my husband is a regular blood donor. He called the clinic and learned that my conclusion is correct but I missed one factor, which is all must be living in the vicinity of dasmarinas.

Thursday afternoon, he called me at home and told me he had his blood screened at the de lasalle. He was informed by the most of the donors failed in the screening and found out that only two of them passed (the other one is our co-employee and neighbor Sol). He told me that after work they will go to the hospital for blood extraction of two 60cc each because the babies will need it.

Friday, after working hours, I accompanied my husband (with Sol) to the hospital for the second batch extraction of blood. This time I meet the father (working on other semi-conductor company) of the babies. He was very thankful for the two donors. He also was very anxious for us having to go to the hospital every time his babies will need blood. He offered that he will pick them up and bring them back each time that the babies will need blood. He was also lucky to have donors living in one place, so it will not be difficult for him. He said the God is good in doing his way. He also mentioned that fresh blood is recommended by the doctors that is why they need to extract it and give it to the babies at the same day.

Saturday afternoon, the parents of the babies came to our house to pick up my husband for the third extraction. When my husband arrived from, he told me that the babies were getting better and we will still have to wait for further advise of the doctors if they will still be needing blood.

We are very happy that we can help in this way, and we are praying for the babies to overcome this and to get better.

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