Monday, September 29, 2008

My Birthday

September 30, Tuesday, My husband and I are on vacation leave from work. We still have to woke up early today because Adrian is still going to school. Actually my husband woke me up when the alarm rung at 4:30am. I had a long sleep that night. The last thing that I remembered was the time that I asked my son to massage my back. He greeted me Happy Birthday, he has no gift for me. Actually, he asked me what do I wanted for my birthday, I said that I don't need anymore gift. I already had a new cellphone a month ago, so for me it is enough.

We already downstairs, when Adrian went down and greeted me. After eating breakfast, we prepare Adrian for school. He was wondering why he had to go to school today, because we promised him that we will go to SM Mall of Asia to celebrate my birthday. I told him that we will wait for him and Claire from school and then we will go to MOA.

Adrian requested if he can have rice to school, he said that most of his classmates have rice on recess. So as requested, we packed him rice and I cooked the last night left over stuffing of relyenong bangus with egg to make it an instant omelette.

September 28 - Advance Birthday Celebration

September 28, Sunday, I celebrated my birthday in advance at my parent's house in Imus. My husband had to report for work on Saturday night, his co-technician called him that there will be no one from their group to be on duty that night. As a senior technician, he had no choice but to go to work.

Sunday morning, Claire and I woke up early to cook. After eating breakfast; I let my son watch, Kung Fu Panda so he will not disturb us on our cooking. My husband came at 10am, I let him rest for few hours. Ate Cris sent a text message if we can pick her and Kyla; I am still cooking that time and I don't have enough time to finish it before lunch. I replied to her that we cannot accomodate to pick them at their house, instead I instructed her to go to our house.

At 11:30am, Ate and Kyla arrived, we are just finished with cooking. We head our way to Imus.
After unpacking the food, we eat together. Adis is still on her way, she bought a cake for me. After few minutes, she came with a cake and a friend of her. He bought the cake from Red Ribbon, it does not have a candle on it. Well, I really don't want to blow a candle after all, I am too old for that.

We spent the whole day eating. We will have hard time again burning those calories.

After eating dinner, we called Ate Liezel who is in KSA right now. She will be coming home soon. Actually she already sent a message that it is only 43 days to go and she will be home. It is very timely, she can spent the Christmas with us. It has been two years now since she left.

September 27 - Tree Planting

September 27, Saturday. I registered for the tree planting activity of the company. Other company from Cavite will also be joining in this activity (intel, Epson, JAE, etc). My husband also like to join but the schedule date of the activity is in conflict with his activity. He had already told Kuya Larry, that he will go to his shop to have our car checked.

My husband woke me up at around 5:00am. I immediately went down to prepare breakfast for all of us. My husband also join me downstairs. We eat breakfast together, then I took a bath. It is already 5:45am when Adrian went down and sit on his chair on the dining table. I am preparing myself to go, when Adrian asked me to eat breakfast first before going. I told him that I already eat breakfast and I should go now because I will be late for the activity.

The assembly time is 6:30 to 6:50am. I arrived on the meeting place, which is the courtyard of the company at exactly 6:30am. I saw there other volunteers including some familiar and not so familiar faces. Our company consists of more or less 4ooo employees. I joined the group where my co-department is; while waiting for others, especially coming from the HR department; I decided to got to the comfort room. I am already at the hallway when my phone rings, I did not answer the phone because I had a knew it is tonet who is calling. And I am right, when I came there, they are already exiting the lobby.

We started the journey from the company, then we went to the place where we will plant tree. Easy as I say, but before getting there we walked a long way. At first we are walking on a concrete road, and after some time, the road becomes a rough one. Then we knew that we are getting nearer to the place.

Before the tree planting, there is a short program. During the program, pandesal with peanut butter is being served. Then the tree planting begins. Tonet and I, decide to work as I team. We planted a total of three trees. After the activity, the host of the program called all the volunteers for fun games.

After the fum games, the lunch is served. After having lunch, we then walked again and went home.

Last year I was not able to join because I am studying at that time, but as far as I can recall the company also joined a tree planting at la mesa dam. I will definitely join another activity like this in the coming year.

September 21, My husband spent a day with us

September 21, Sunday, my husband had his schedule changed. It is because one technician from their group had to go to school. Their supervisor give him a special schedule to fit in his schedule for schooling. My husband was the first from their group to be schedule for two months to report on normal time. It is a good news for me, but for my husband he is not that happy because his salary will be lessen, because his night differential and premiums will be removed. I told him that is ok, the important thing is that we will have the same off from work and we can have quality time for our son.

We did not woke up early that morning, I mean them. I still have to cook breakfast for them, so I had to woke up same time each day. I cooked tortang giniling (with potato and carrots), for breakfast. When breakfast is ready, I had to woke them up one by one. After eating breakfast, we all prepared our things and off we go to Imus.

My parents thought that we are not coming that day because it is already 10am when we arrived at their house.

We had pork steak for lunch. We just finished with lunch when Ate Maricel and Charlie came.

Adrian, Charlie are playing outside the whole day. My son found new friends in person of Princess, Moy-moy, and another boy (I forgot his name). They all live near my parent's house.

Matet cooked hot cake (it is one of her specialty - I even look on how she is doing it) for all of us that aftenoon.

Charlie and Ate Maricel had to went home early that day she had to do the laundry and other household chores.

Matet bought grilled chicken for our dinner. After eating dinner we also went home.

September 14, Laarni is the grand winner of PDA

September 14, As any other Sundays, we went to my parent's house at Imus. After eating breakfast, my husband went his way to work. It is almost tow months now that his scheduled for work falls on a Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. We still have to wait for another two months for his schedule to rotate and change to Monday to Thursday. My schedule at work was on normal working time from day one of my work. Crewing schedule (it is what we called it) comes with its beneficial and non-beneficial aspects. Well, being in a crewing pattern, you have higher rate of premium hours, the night differential, and you don't have to take a vacation leave if you need to settle some important matters during weekdays. One of its non-beneficial side is that you cant be with your family on weekends when your schedule falls during those days.

My parents is always looking forward to Sundays. It is because their grandchildren are coming to spent a day with them. During weekdays, most of the days they were alone because my brother JR and sister Matet are leaving the house early and coming home late because they are still studying in Manila. While JC, the son of Ate Maricel, who is also living with them also spent the whole day at school.

My mother cooked Tinola for lunch.

Ate Maricel and Charlie was not able to come that day. Adis bought a box of mister donut for snacks. We spent the whole afternoon watching TV and playing with my son.

We had grilled chicken for dinner while watching our favorite Pinoy Dream Academy. It is the big night or the graduation night as they call it. I even voted for my bet Laarni. We are very excited for the results. My mother is cheering for Bugoy. Matet wants liezel or Laarni.

My husband came at around 10pm, just right after the winner had announced. Laarni won the PDA season 2. He already had dinner at work, so we had to go after packing our things.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sept. 7 - Imus

September 7, Sunday as usual we went to Imus to spent our day with my parents. We woke up late that morning. My husband decided not to join us at breakfast because he will be coming late for work. My mother packed him a meal (sarsiadong bola-bola) and then he head his way to work.

At lunch, my mother cooked tinola for Adrian (it is my son's all time favorite), and of course the left over form the breakfast (bola-bola and pork adobo). Ate Maricel with his son Charlie came just after the lunch.

For snack, Adis called a pizza delivery. Her nephews all loves pizza.

Matet and Adis played with their nieces that whole afternoon. They get crazy taking pictures of the three boys.

For dinner, we had grilled chicken, also a favorite of the family.

Sept. 6 - Island Cove

September 6, Saturday, My husband promised this day to Adrian that we will go for swimming. We woke up early to prepare our things. At around 9am, we left the house and head our way to Island Cove. Along the way, we had a talk about transferring Adrian to another school. His current school is ok, but we are thinking if we can send him to a better school next year. We actually passed by a school wherein some of our co-employees kids are currently schooling. There is no question that it is a better school; but what is going on our mind is if we can afford it. At around 10am, we arrived at the Island Cove. It is only then, that we noticed that Adrian has no slippers, because his father carried him to the car and Claire did not notice that Adrian is not wearing his slippers on. We went to a stall to buy him a pair of slippers, luckily there is a pair that is fitted to him.

Before dipping into the pool, we first had some picture taking. My husband was not able to join us at firts because he is the oe taking the pictures. After taking some photos he changed clothes and return the camera in the car and then join us in the pool.

Monday, September 1, 2008

August 31, High School IV-I Class Get Together

August 31, Sunday, I heard the alarm rung that I set at 5am. I immediately jump up from bed and packed my things. I also had to wake up Claire, Adrian and my husband. After taking a bath and we are all set; we left the house at 5:45am. Before starting the car my husband; as usual asked if we did not forget anything.

At 6:00 am, my mother is still cooking when we arrived. After having a quick breakfast, we say goodbye to them. I am not going to work with my husband, I am going to Marilao Bulacan for our High School Class get together.

My husband dropped me off to the nearest bus stop. That time I had to travel alone to the venue. My cousin Maribel who is also living (actually her house is one subdivision away from my parents) in Imus is not going to make it due to some reasons. I took a bus going to Lawton. At Quirino, I decided to transfer to LRT to save some travel time, because it will bring me faster to the meeting place. As expected I arrived 10 minutes earlier at Araneta Square. My classmate Fidel provided a jeepney that will bring us all to Bulacan, the first pick up point is at Jolibee Malabon town proper. After waiting for some more time, I had to contact them to know their actual location. I waited for another 15 minutes before they arrive, but the wait worth it because inside the jeepney, I saw Rowena, Perci, Ronaldo, Leyden, Dona, Noemi, Marvin, Rodel, Ricardo, and Fidel. On the next stop, we waited for Sion and Reden.

At 10 am, we arrived to the place. It is a private swimming pool. The food came few minutes later. We decided to eat even though we wanted to wait for others who are still on their way; it is because most of us were already hungry.

After eating, some of the boys went for a dip in the swimming pool. After an hour the second batch came, they were Roldan with his wife Leslie (also our classmate), Mary Jane our class valedictorian, Marilyn, Leah, Al, and Ralph.

At 3pm, when the sun is covered by the thick clouds we decided to join in the pool. The boys play relay on the water, we girls were not able to join because we don't know how to swim. At 6pm we decided to get out of the pool. After eating and taking a quick shower, our class president open the floor for each one of us to give an update on ourselves. Marilyn has just got married, while for the boys, Al also got married few months ago. Some of us have new addition to their family; Rodel and his wife got another baby girl; while Leslie and Roldan also had a another baby boy. Some got promoted, while some are planning to take up masteral classes, others are reviewing for board exam. After the updates, we also had a small raffle. Then we packed our things and went our way to SM Marilao for a Pizza Treat from Percival.

Rico Jay together with Marvin dropped me at Monumento LRT station, unfortunately I was not able to catch the last train. I took the jeepney heading to Baclaran. My husband picks me up at a gasoline station near MOA. It is already 11:30 pm when we arrive at home.

Over all the reunion is successful. Here are some of our photos.