Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sept. 6 - Island Cove

September 6, Saturday, My husband promised this day to Adrian that we will go for swimming. We woke up early to prepare our things. At around 9am, we left the house and head our way to Island Cove. Along the way, we had a talk about transferring Adrian to another school. His current school is ok, but we are thinking if we can send him to a better school next year. We actually passed by a school wherein some of our co-employees kids are currently schooling. There is no question that it is a better school; but what is going on our mind is if we can afford it. At around 10am, we arrived at the Island Cove. It is only then, that we noticed that Adrian has no slippers, because his father carried him to the car and Claire did not notice that Adrian is not wearing his slippers on. We went to a stall to buy him a pair of slippers, luckily there is a pair that is fitted to him.

Before dipping into the pool, we first had some picture taking. My husband was not able to join us at firts because he is the oe taking the pictures. After taking some photos he changed clothes and return the camera in the car and then join us in the pool.

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