Monday, September 29, 2008

September 14, Laarni is the grand winner of PDA

September 14, As any other Sundays, we went to my parent's house at Imus. After eating breakfast, my husband went his way to work. It is almost tow months now that his scheduled for work falls on a Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. We still have to wait for another two months for his schedule to rotate and change to Monday to Thursday. My schedule at work was on normal working time from day one of my work. Crewing schedule (it is what we called it) comes with its beneficial and non-beneficial aspects. Well, being in a crewing pattern, you have higher rate of premium hours, the night differential, and you don't have to take a vacation leave if you need to settle some important matters during weekdays. One of its non-beneficial side is that you cant be with your family on weekends when your schedule falls during those days.

My parents is always looking forward to Sundays. It is because their grandchildren are coming to spent a day with them. During weekdays, most of the days they were alone because my brother JR and sister Matet are leaving the house early and coming home late because they are still studying in Manila. While JC, the son of Ate Maricel, who is also living with them also spent the whole day at school.

My mother cooked Tinola for lunch.

Ate Maricel and Charlie was not able to come that day. Adis bought a box of mister donut for snacks. We spent the whole afternoon watching TV and playing with my son.

We had grilled chicken for dinner while watching our favorite Pinoy Dream Academy. It is the big night or the graduation night as they call it. I even voted for my bet Laarni. We are very excited for the results. My mother is cheering for Bugoy. Matet wants liezel or Laarni.

My husband came at around 10pm, just right after the winner had announced. Laarni won the PDA season 2. He already had dinner at work, so we had to go after packing our things.

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