Monday, September 29, 2008

September 27 - Tree Planting

September 27, Saturday. I registered for the tree planting activity of the company. Other company from Cavite will also be joining in this activity (intel, Epson, JAE, etc). My husband also like to join but the schedule date of the activity is in conflict with his activity. He had already told Kuya Larry, that he will go to his shop to have our car checked.

My husband woke me up at around 5:00am. I immediately went down to prepare breakfast for all of us. My husband also join me downstairs. We eat breakfast together, then I took a bath. It is already 5:45am when Adrian went down and sit on his chair on the dining table. I am preparing myself to go, when Adrian asked me to eat breakfast first before going. I told him that I already eat breakfast and I should go now because I will be late for the activity.

The assembly time is 6:30 to 6:50am. I arrived on the meeting place, which is the courtyard of the company at exactly 6:30am. I saw there other volunteers including some familiar and not so familiar faces. Our company consists of more or less 4ooo employees. I joined the group where my co-department is; while waiting for others, especially coming from the HR department; I decided to got to the comfort room. I am already at the hallway when my phone rings, I did not answer the phone because I had a knew it is tonet who is calling. And I am right, when I came there, they are already exiting the lobby.

We started the journey from the company, then we went to the place where we will plant tree. Easy as I say, but before getting there we walked a long way. At first we are walking on a concrete road, and after some time, the road becomes a rough one. Then we knew that we are getting nearer to the place.

Before the tree planting, there is a short program. During the program, pandesal with peanut butter is being served. Then the tree planting begins. Tonet and I, decide to work as I team. We planted a total of three trees. After the activity, the host of the program called all the volunteers for fun games.

After the fum games, the lunch is served. After having lunch, we then walked again and went home.

Last year I was not able to join because I am studying at that time, but as far as I can recall the company also joined a tree planting at la mesa dam. I will definitely join another activity like this in the coming year.

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