Thursday, December 11, 2008

December 6 - Decorating for Christmas

December 6, Saturday, later in the afternoon, we decided to decorate our Christmas tree. Our tree was been there for almost five years, and we do not have plans of replacing it with a new one. Well, as long as it still stands and serves it purpose, replacing it is an additional expense; and it also has a sentimental value because we bought it from a friend.

Claire and my husband already washed the tree and the accessories yesterday and all we have to is to assemble the tree. After completing the tree, we put the Christmas balls and the ribbons on it. We also added the new ribbon I bought and the new Christmas lights, although our old Christmas lights is still working, it has few busted bulbs and we cannot find replacements because most of the available now in the market is the LED type.

After that we reserved the placing of the Christmas star to our son. We still do not have any gifts under the tree because my Christmas shopping is still not yet finished.

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