Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Lunch at Gumaca

My parents-in-law wanted to eat lunch at Gumaca, a town away from Lopez where their favorite restaurant is located. I am actually have not tried that restaurant before, so I am excited to taste the food there. My husband woke up exactly before 12:00nn. We are actually about to woke him up, because we are all ready to go. We waited for few minutes more for my husband to get ready and then we go.

Upon arriving to the location of the restaurant, we cannot find a parking space. We did circling around the area for few minutes, but still no parking space is vacated. Then we decided to eat at Jollibee. After eating, my parents-in-law decided to drop by at the local market to buy fresh sea foods, then we went our way to Lopez. We are very lucky to have a good wheather that time, it is not too hot, but the sun is still bright and up high. We had a stop over by the bay to took some photos of the place and then we go.

We had grilled pla-pla and we had some ginisang upo for dinner. Arwin arrived that night to have some bottles of beer with my husband. Adrian and I were already sleeping when he left.

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