Sunday, October 19, 2008

October 12 - Adrian Visited His Pedia

October 12, Sunday, we went to Wellcare clinic for Adrian's scheduled vaccine. We arrived at the waltermart mall wherein the clinic is located at past 9am. Although Dra. Yambot's clinic starts at 10am, there were already patients lined up at her clinic, actually Adrian is already number 7 on her list. While waiting for her, we decide to go to the supermarket to buy some groceries. After that we went back to the clinic to check the number being served at Dra. Yambot's clinic. It is still number 2 when we arrived, so we decided to go to the abenson home center, I am looking for additoinal christmas decors to decorate our christmas tree; unluckily I saw nothing that interests me in the stall.

Then we returned to the clinic, it is already number 4, so we decided to stay and wait in the area. Number 5 was called then no one shows up so she proceed with number 6. After number 6, number 5 still not in the area, so it ous turn now. When Adrian entered the clinic, he started to tell stories about his schooling with his pedia. He told her that he already knows counting 1 to 100 and then after that he told his pedia that he is already eating vegetables (green leaves especially - what he actually said). Then after doing some routine checking with my son, Adrian told his pedia that he does not want to have pinched by a needle. Dra delayed it for a while and asked Adrian about his school activities. My son actually show some dance steps they are practicing for the upcoming foundation day. Dra. instructed me to have Adrian seated on my lap, and then she did what was needed. Adrian shouted and cried, but that stopped after the needled was pulled-out.

After that we went directly to my parents house in Imus. Upon arriving Adrian told his Lolo and Lola about the needle. They had already finished with their lunch when we arrived. We had sarsiadong tilapia for lunch.

Adis bought one dozen of donuts for the snack and we had pork sinigang for the dinner.

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