Wednesday, October 8, 2008

October 4 , Quezon - Day 1

October 4, Saturday, We woke up at around 3:00am to get ready. We will start our journey to Quezon at around 4: 30 am. Claire re-heated the left over fried chicken and fried bangus from last night's dinner. After eating, my husband took care of our dog, we will be away for two days, so he makes sure that tornado will have enough water and food. While Claire is taking a quick shower, I double check our bags, if we are missing anything. Adrian is still asleep, we will just woke him up if we are ready to go. I just packed his favorite cookies and we also brought some bottled water for convenience, if in case we will not have stop over along the way. After making sure that our we are not forgetting anything, I took I quick shower. My husband is still taking a bath when I woke up Adrian, he is also excited to go to Quezon.

Ten minutes ahead of time, we left the house and head our way to Quezon. Road widening of South Luzon express is still on going. The way is puzzling, drivers should always be alert for merging roads or re-routing. Well it seems that it will still be this way for couple of years or more.

We took the old high way as usual, because it will save us a 45 minutes to one hour of travel time. We decided to have a short stop when my husband saw a space where he can park the car. He took some photos and off we go. We did not stop over by the bay which we usually do, because we have a plan this afternoon to go there with my in-laws.

We stop at Nanay Edeng's house before going to my in-laws. There we saw Arwin, my husband's cousin who is also working at Manila. He just came last night. Also there is Tita Lotlot, sister of my mother-in-law. They are very happy to see Adrian, especially now that Adrian is very talkative. After spending few minutes with them, we say goodbye and head our way to my-in-laws. We arrived 2 hours earlier that they expected, that my mother-in-law has not yet prepared a breakfast for us. She decided to buy pancit bihon, shanghai and lomi from the nearby small restaurant. After eating breakfast, my husband took a nap, while Adrian is busy playing and Calire and I took the oppurtunity to sing using the magic sing. If my husband is awake, we will not have the time to hold that microphone.

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