Thursday, October 9, 2008

Quezon - Day 2

October 5, Sunday. We woke up early to catch the 7am mass at St. Claire. My mother-in-law cooked pancit bihon and bought some pandesal for breakfast. We had hot milo to warm our stomach. The church is just a few blocks away from my in-laws' house so we decided to have a walk, although there were also few transportation on that area. Tricycles which are passing by were already full; while jeepneys are rarely going to that route. The mass has not yet started when we arrived. My mother-in-law found some of her friends there and we were introduced to them.

After the mass, we went home. Adrian saw some tricycle parked outside the church. He asked if we are going to ride a tricycle back to the house. But those are waiting for the passengers that they brought in. So again, we just have to walk.

That morning, I started to packed up our things; while my husband and son are busy with the magic sing. Claire and my mother-in-law is busy in the kitchen, preparing our lunch. My father-in-law was in the school; checking their classrooms and canteen.

My husband's cousin Angel arrived before lunch time. She is also a elementary school teacher. Adrian was so happy to she her. She used to take care Adrian during summer vacations, as well as her other younger sisters.

For lunch we have fried bangus and grilled bangus. After lunch while watching TV; my mother-in-law is preparing the malunggay leaves that she will cook for dinner. Adrian is curious seeing her Lola removing the leaves one by one from the branch. He offered help to his Lola. When I saw him very eager to finish the task, I told my husband to take some photos of them.

At past 2:00pm, we had to leave my in-laws. We must be at the road before it got busy. There are a lot of motorisy going back to Manila on Sunday afternoon. As usual, we passed by the house of Nanay Eding to say goodbye and Arwin told us that he will go with us. Unfortunately, Nanay Eding was not in the house, she is in the church doing some activity; while Arwin choosed to extend his time with his family, especially to his father.

It is almost 5:00pm when we arrived at Batangas. We stopped by at one of the many fruit stands along the road to buy some lansones and rambutan. We also had to stopped at a nearby Mc Donalds to use the comfort room and bought french fries and drinks as snacks that we can eat along the way. We still less than 3 hours of journey to Cavite. It is almost 8:00pm when we arrived at the Cavite town proper, I told my husband that we better buy grilled chicken for the dinner, because I am already tired. We stopped at Sr. Pedro to buy one whole grilled chicken.

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