Monday, November 17, 2008

November 18 - I'm Positive

November 18, Tuesday, my husband woke me up and told me that the pregnancy test is at the table. He bought it from our clinic, he told me that the nurses were teasing him because at last I am pregnant again. He answered back that it is not yet sure, because I am irregular.

It is my time to test if I was pregnant. I am doing it because I still don't have my monthly period for November; actually for almost three months now.

I carefully put three drops of my urine to the tester and watched carefully at the indicator. I saw one line appears on the area marked "T" immediately, I know it is going to have two lines because on my previous test the line appears only at the end. And after that another line on the area marked "C" also appears. Then I shouted to call my husband who is still in the room. He went down and he saw the result. He shouted as if he won in a lottery, his sister Claire who is preparing the breakfast is also happy with the result. Adrian is still sleeping, my husband told me that we should break the news to our son slowly because he was too vocal that he did not want a baby yet.

I went to work, while my husband stayed at home because it is his day-off. I already informed the clinic that I am pregnant, but the date of pregnancy is not cleared so they told me to have an ultrasound to determine the exact date. The OB also given a request for complete blood test and urine test.

After that I called my husband to meet me at Wellcare clinic after work to have those laboratories. Unluckily the clinic is already closed when I arrived, so we went to La Salle. I had the complete blood test and urine test but not the ultrasound because there is no more doctor at that time. The result will be released after two hours, so we decided to eat dinner at Max's Restaurant nearby. I called Claire and told her that to have dinner because we still have to wait for the result.

After having dinner we returned to the hospital laboratory to get the results and then we went home.

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