Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November 24 - Pick me up at Work

November 24, It is my husband's day-off, he called me and told me that his ATM card is missing. I instructed him to call the hotline of BPI to cut-off his card. They instructed him to withdraw the amount on the same branch it is opened. That card is a our compensation card and was opened by the company at the BPI branch inside gateway business park. I told my husband to went their with Adrian and Claire, and wait for me until 4:45pm. I told him to make sure that they are at the bank before 3pm, so that they will not wait for me for too long. Before that my husband went to his friend Kuya Larry to have the car alarm fixed.

At past 2pm, my husband called me. They are already at the recreational area of our company. I went there and Adrian was very happy to see me. He was doing his assignment, and I checked what he had started.

Before 3pm, I had to go back inside the company because I have to attend a TQM meeting.

At 4pm I went back to our maintenance bay and instructed my technician who is assisting the service engineer doing a repair on our two major down machines. At 4:30pm I went to cafeteria to have a snack, but I did not see any from our group having snack so I decided to went down.

At 4:45, I went to the parking lot of the recreational area and my husband has just started the car. We went to SM Dasmarinas, had a snack at red ribbon, pay my globe telephone bill, and buy some maternity clothes. Adrian is asking for a toy so we went to the toy section of the department store. Unfortunately the toy that he likes just got out of stock. We told him to look for another toy, but he did not want any other toy. So we told him that we will check again next week if the toy is already available, and then we went home.

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