Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November 2 - Welcome Home Celebration Part 2

November 2, Sunday morning, my mother woke up early to went to the market for our food for that day. My mother told me to prepare breakfast as she will be coming late, and the kids may want ot have an early breakfast; especially my son who used to have breakfast as early as 5am in the morning. I cooked hotdogs, ham and eggs. I was not wrong my son was the first to wake up among the kids.

We had to eat first because the dining table is only for 6 persons. My son hates ketchup so the one sitting beside him should have no ketchup on the plate.

The after few more minutes, the other kids went down to have their breakfast. Ate Maricel take charge of cooking the menudo and buttered shrimp for lunch; while Ate Cris has to go after having breakfast, she left Kyla with us. She has to open her store, because sunday has most number of customers. Matet has to go to PLDT Imus for her on the job training.

At lunch time, Adis arrived together with her boyfriend JV. We actually met him before, he has been in the house for several sundays. In the afternoon, we are waiting for Lala and her family. She is now in-charge at the small eatery and store that my parents left in Dampalit.

I grilled tahong, liempo and tilapia for the dinner, while Ate Maricel cooked spaghetti for the kids. My father, Kuya Jimmy, my husband and Jayvee were having some bottles of beer. We are playing badminton in the road when we saw Kyla crying, she told us that seh wanted to go because she already misses her mother. Lala still not arrived but we decided to go because Kyla will not stop crying. She and her mother were very close to eah other, since her father was in Qatar for two years. Ate Maricel with her family also decided to come with us.

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