Saturday, November 22, 2008

November 22 - My First Check-up

November 22, Saturday, My schedule to see my OB. My OB will be at the clinic at 9am, but the the clinic opens at 7:30 am. At around 7:30 I am ready to go, but Adrian insisted that he wanted to go with me. So, he had a quick shower and then prepared his small bag. We also brought his PSP so that he will not be bored waiting. I also packed him a peanut butter sandwich and water in case he will get hungry, although we already had breakfast. My husband will be coming from work this morning, he will meet us there.

When I arrived at the clinic at around 8:30 am, the attendant at the front desk informed me that Dra. Mata is not around, but another OB is attending to her patients.

My husband arrived at quarter to 10:00 am, the number is still at number 10. My number is 15, so we have to wait for some more minutes. When my number is called, my husband and Adrian came with me inside the room. The OB, prescribed a vitamins for me and ask me to lay down in the separate room. Adrian thought that the baby will come out now, because when I came out of the room he asks where the baby is. We explained to him that it is still small and has to grow first before going out.

After my check up, my husband went to the supermarket to buy fruits and some other commodities. Adrian and I waited outside. And then we went home.

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