Monday, November 24, 2008

November 23 - Chickenpox booster for Adrian

November 24, Adrian and I went to Wellcare Clinic for his final vaccine for this year, while Claire waited for my husband who is coming from work and then they will meet us at the clinic. Before 9:00am, we were already at Waltermart, the clinic opens at 9:00am so we have to wait for some more time outside. When the guard opened the door, Adrian was the first to come in. When we get into the clinic we immediately get our number. Luckily we were patient number one for Dra. Yambot.

Dra. Yambot clinic starts at 10:00am. so we have to wait for one hour. I let Adrian play with his PSP so that he will not get bored. At exactly 10am, Dra. Yambot arrives and she called us. I told her that we have to wait for my husband, so she called number 2 instead. It is already patient number four when my husband and Claire arrived.

When it is our turn already, Adrian went inside first and greeted Dra. Yambot. He told her that he does not want vaccination (as always). After doing some routine check up with Adrian, such as getting his weight, height, checking his ears, nose, eyes and throat, Dra. Yambot instructed my husband to have Adrian sit on his lap.

And then after that a loud shout was heard. Adrian will be back on 2011, well a long break for him.

After that we went to my parents house in Imus.

My parents were very happy to see for the first time officially pregnant.

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