Sunday, November 30, 2008

November 30 - Shopping for Christmas Gifts

November 30, Sunday, my husband returns from work at 10am. He rested for few hours and wakes up at 12nn to have lunch. At around 1pm we leave and went to Alabang to shop for Christmas gifts. It is already late for usually we do our Christmas shopping at mid November. My husband is a little worried because of my condition. I told him that I feel better now because of the whole day rest yesterday.

At 1:30pm we arrived at Festival Mall Alabang, we had hard time looking for parking slot. After patiently waiting for few minutes, we saw a car going out. Luckily there is no other car waiting except us, so we had the freed up space.

We went directly to second floor where the kid section stalls were located. At first I had to checked one stall at a time and finally found a nice store, I bought 12 items at that store. After that we went to another store and bought 3 items, and then to another store and bought only 1 item.

After that there were still remaining items on my list, but Adrian wanted to have a snack. All Food stalls were fully packed with people so my husband decided to just take out some donut and his favorite steamed corn, while he asked Claire to buy french fries. We went to a vacant corner were there are no people standing by and had our quick snack.

After that we had to finished our shopping, we went to other few more stalls but found nothing that fits our budget and of course the quality that we are looking for.

Then we decided to went to the department store hoping to find more selections, but we were dismayed to see pile of people at the counter. Then I told my husband to go home and to continue our shopping next weekend.

We drop by at HotShots to have their famous grilled burgers. It is Adrian's first time to eat burger. He only ate half of his burger, but at least he tried. He just enjoy the potato fries and chips. After that we went home.

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