Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November 2 - Emergency Room At La Salle

November 2, Sunday night, accident happens when you least expected it. I do not like to write this on my blog, because I only write good memories and happy ones (that is why I am not writing anything about work here, unless it is about promotion or recognition); but my husband told me told do so. We were already at home then I carried my son as he fell asleep in the car. I asked him to wake up and he answered. When I opened the door, I let him stand and he tried few steps to the sofa which is just few steps from our doorstep.

It is too late that I saw that he fell, he cried and when I pick him up I saw blood under his chin. My husband and Claire were still unloading our things in the car. I told my husband immediately that we need to go to the hospital. Adrian is afraid of hospital and needles. He keeps on telling us that he is okay and there is no need to go to hospital.

When we arrived at the emergency room, the attending doctor looks in his wound. He told us that the wound may or may not need stitching, but he says that stitching the wound will make it to heal faster and will leave a smaller mark. So we decided to go for the stitching. But before he can proceed with that, he injected Anesthesia. This is the time that we need to help the nurses in controlling my son. He fears needles that much that we are four and yet we cannot control my son. I almost cry during that time, but I control myself. At last my husband finds a way; he talked to Adrian that it will be fast and lesser painful after the injection. After the injection; the doctor proceed with stitching, Adrian actually asked me what the doctor is doing, the anesthesia already worked. We just told him the doctor is cleaning his wound. We also requested for X-ray of my son’s skull, to find out whether he had some dislocated bones, thank God, the x-ray shows no dislocated or fracture on his skull.
The doctor gave him antibiotic for a week and then we went home. Before sleeping we told Adrian that it should not happen again and we should be very careful in every action that we are taking. As a precaution, we told him that as much as possible, he will not sleep in the car, or if he really fell asleep, my husband will carry him to the house. After that we prayed together and thank God.

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