Tuesday, November 4, 2008

October 29 - Kinder Dance Presentation

October 29, Wednesday, I informed my boss that the dance presentation of my son was moved this afternoon. Me and my husband will be going home early to watch the presentation. We promised our son that we will be there to watch him.

We left at exactly 3:00pm in the afternoon, the time slot for the presentation is 4pm. We arrived at Vel Maris at around 3:30pm. We went directly to the venue and saw the kinder students already preparing for their turn. Luckily we were able to arrived early, because the presentation is about to begin. When Adrian saw us, we saw a big smile on his face. Claire told us that Adrian is always asking her where we are.

My husband took pictures of our son while dancing. We are very proud of him, because he is doing good in dancing.

After their presentation, as a reward we dropped by at Dunkin Donuts. We also buy grilled chicken at Sr. Pedro.

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